Chapter 3.1

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It wasn't far to the former sitting room that Sabrina had converted to an office, refusing to share Ford's cramped and cluttered office space. Its newer comconsole featured a holographic interface, which she was still getting used to, but she quickly brought up the call. "This is Sabrina Devon zu Tassan," she said.

"This is Chief Medical Officer Aran Oya," the older man said. "You are listed as the medical proxy for Commander Mukryilla, so I need your permission to operate, as she is unconscious."

"What?" Sabrina said blankly, then frowned. "Operate? What's wrong? Is she ill?"

"She was hurt in last night's attack—an attempted assassination, though I believe her injuries were sustained in apprehending the assassin," Oya said. "She has sustained internal injuries, in addition to her head wound. Internal bleeding has made our scans inconclusive, and we need to perform a surgical exploration of the injured area."

"And you need my permission? It sounds like this is urgently necessary."

"It is, but the terms of the Commander's medical proxy require permission for any life-threatening procedure, without regard to whether her life is at risk without the procedure. Which it is, I assure you."

"Is there any alternative treatment?" Sabrina asked.

"Not that I would recommend, no."

"Then please proceed, doctor. How long do you expect the procedure to take?"

"No more than an hour, I hope."

"I am coming up to Dansestari as quickly as I can."

"I will have someone ready to update you upon your arrival. Thank you, your highness."

"Thank you, doctor."

Sabrina headed for the doorway, aware of Kendara murmuring into her comlink. They met Ford in the hallway. "I've alerted Sastarn that we're leaving," he said. "Selémahs is leaving with the children; Seuréa will come with us. I'll take her home while you go to the infirmary."

Sabrina hugged him impulsively. "Thank you."

"And I've ordered breakfast to go so you can eat in the flyer," Ford added.

"I love you," she said, drawing back and smiling at him.

"It's nothing you wouldn't do for me. Uh, I did forget to tell Ranja, though," he said as Ranja hurried up to them.

"Reschedule everything, Ranja," Sabrina said. "I don't know how long this will take."

Ranja looked puzzled. "How long what will take?"

"We have to go up to Dansestari. Although I suppose you could stay," she said to Ford.

"Not a chance."

"How did you know?" Ranja asked. "I just now received the summons."

"Summons?" Ford repeated.

"From the King. He wants to see you both at your earliest convenience, which his chamberlain suggests should be lunchtime."

Ford bit down on an exclamation as Sabrina said, "Treva's been hurt and I'm her medical proxy, so we're going up for her. But if she's stable we will certainly have lunch with Baldaran while we're there." We may as well get it over with.

We haven't even been able to meet with our heads of departments yet, he complained.

They'll wait. They're capable of handling things until we get back, Sabrina thought.

"Do you need me to come with you?" Ranja asked.

"No," Sabrina said. "I don't think sitting in the infirmary waiting room is a good use of your time. Reschedule the department heads for tomorrow and see about all the hiring we need to do. Oh, and new toiletries. I'll call you if anything comes up."

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