Chapter 3: Reunions

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Ford woke to the sound of a crying baby. He blinked, turning his head, and discovered that he hadn't slept for months after all: Sabrina was lying beside him, still pregnant, and his little sister was curled up on his other side. Then he remembered the previous night and sat up.

"Hm?" Sabrina said, not opening her eyes.

"Go back to sleep. I'll go see who's unhappy," Ford said, giving her a kiss on the cheek as he maneuvered his way out of bed, picking Seuréa up and setting her down again beside Sabrina. He grabbed his robe and went through the various rooms in their suite, emerging into the hallway in time to hear a particularly outraged howl. "Mama! Papa!"

Ford went into the guest room that had been allotted to the Ruschar children. "What's all this?" he said.

The nurse looked frazzled. "I need to give Annamarie breakfast, sir, and Ryan is having separation anxiety."

"Well, it's breakfast time for all of us, not just Annamarie," Ford said, keeping his pleasant tone despite the wailing duet happening in his immediate vicinity. "Ray, Ryan, come along. Let's get something to eat. I'm sure at least one of the kitchen staff is awake."

"Come on, Ryan," Ray said, rolling his eyes in disgust and giving his little brother a shove toward the door.

"No pushing, Ray," the nurse admonished. "You two behave for the prince!"

Ray grinned up at Ford. "That's no prince, that's my uncle."

Ford laughed. "I'd know you for Scotty's son anywhere, that's for sure." They made their way down to the small dining room, but no staff appeared. "Come on, let's see what we can do about this," Ford said, leading the boys into the kitchen at the rear of the building. He shook his head at the sight of one of the cooks slumped over a corner table, asleep, and one drowsy maid intent on extracting a cup of cocoa from the reluctant machine. "Have a seat," Ford said to the boys, indicating stools at one of the islands.

"Your royal highness!" the maid exclaimed, instantly awake. "Uh...may I get you anything?"

Ford identified her as one of the cleaning staff, not kitchen staff. "No, don't let me interrupt. I think I can manage."

"Yes, sir." She took her cup of cocoa, curtsied, and fled.

Ford set the machine to produce three more cups, then hesitated. "Do you boys drink cocoa?"

"Yes," Ray said, as Ryan said, "no." They glared at each other.

Ford sighed, contemplating the stimulating effect of cocoa and the likelihood that Aurora would allow it. "I think I'll go with 'no.' Milk, then? Or juice?" He rummaged in the refrigerator. "What do you like to eat? There's fruit and cheese in here. I can probably find some bread for toast."

A loud clang startled him, and he hit his head on the shelf as he tried to stand too quickly. Ray said, "Ryan!" in exasperated tones as Ford rubbed at the back of his head and the sleeping cook woke with a snort.

"What are you kids doing in here?" the cook demanded, getting up.

"Ah, good. You're awake," Ford said, glancing over to see that Ryan and the large pot he had knocked over both seemed to be all right. "Could I trouble you for some breakfast?"

"Yes, your royal highness!" the cook said, straightening immediately. "If you would care to go through to the dining room, I'll bring you something right away."

"Thank you," Ford said, going over and picking Ryan up off the floor. "Come along, you two. Sabrina will be unhappy if we get in the way of breakfast."

Ray grinned at him as they left the room. "Must be nice to be a prince. Everybody does what you say."

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