Chapter 10.5

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"You must eat, your highness. The baby must eat," Merith insisted.

There was no response from the bed, where Sabrina lay on her side, curled around a sleeping Snowball. Ranja sat gently down beside her and stroked her hair, tears running down her face. "We mustn't give up," she said softly. "He has surprised us before. Please, Sabrina. We kept some dinner warm for you. Please eat it. Some of it. Anything."

Sabrina did not respond. Ranja and Merith looked sadly at one another, then jumped as the front door banged open.

"A message!" Stecklan said breathlessly. "I didn't even get ours sent before it came through. Listen!"

Sabrina turned her head, and he took that as permission. He held the datapad out and began to play the recording.

"Lisa, this is Bart. We've heard from someone who saw Homer and Marge. They're okay. And we think Milhouse is on his way home—have you heard anything? Also, Mr. Burns says it's time to release the hounds. So let the dogs out. I hope to see you soon."

Sabrina sat up, blinking. "He wants us to release the hounds?"

"This is where the enemy is most concentrated," Stecklan said. "Give me a message, your highness, a personal message to your people. Tell them to rise up and fight. They will do it."

Sabrina rubbed at her eyes. "Yes. Yes, of course."

Kendara, who had followed Stecklan into the room, said, "We need a blank wall that gives no hint as to your location. And we need to hide your hair. Give her her rings back, Mikolal."

Sabrina held up her swollen fingers. "They won't fit anyway. Keep them." She took a deep breath. "If I ask all those who are fit to go fight, keeping all you military types here will look strange. Some of you will need to go and lead people. Stecklan, you keep the signet. You'll be my commander in chief."

"I will go and fight as well," Reya said, peering in behind Kendara. "I am tired of waiting and eating tubers."

"Isiri must stay with Lyssara," Sabrina said.

"I am not leaving you," Ranja said stoutly, and Kendara shook her head. "I can't abandon my assignment, not even if you order me to."

"Then I guess two volunteers will have to do," Sabrina said. "Ranja, what shall we do about my hair?"

"How long do you need?" Stecklan asked.

"Only a few minutes. I know what I'm going to say—I've had a lot of time to think about it."

Kendara and Ranja had a quick, low-voiced conversation, and Kendara produced a tiny packet from her uniform pocket that unfolded into a silky, brightly-woven scarf. "My mother made this; I keep it with me for good luck. The swamplanders wear their hair tied back or covered with these. We can cover your hair with it. The swamplander scarf and the hillfolk tunic you're wearing will confuse the issue of where you are hiding."

"Good thinking," Sabrina said. "I'm honored to wear your mother's scarf. Perhaps she will see it and know you are safe. Stecklan, where do you want me?"

"That wall, I think. It's interior and undecorated. Should we hang a blanket? Does the wall construction give our location away?" Stecklan wondered.

Kendara frowned. "We build from wood in the lowlands, too. Let's just light her so that the wall is in shadow." She placed a chair against the wall and moved the bed further from it, then angled the small lamp so it shone on the chair.

"Move back," Sabrina instructed as she took her seat. "Stecklan, make sure you get enough of me that people can see I'm still pregnant. I don't want to start any rumors."

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