would've, could've, should've

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trigger warning: mention of statutory rape (not detailed)

In the morning, Remus went to find Adeline to admit she won the bet. He found her in the kitchen blaring muggle music and baking cookies.

"What are you doing?" Remus yelled over the music.

Adeline jumped at the sound of his voice. She turned down the music. "Baking chocolate chip cookies?"

"But you won?"


"I heard Mary and Sirius last night." Remus admitted.

"And I heard Marlene and Dorcas." Adeline explained.

"I didn't look at the clock."

"Me neither."

"So it's a tie."

"Looks like it. But I already started these cookies so looks like you get your prize."

"It's only fair then that I tell you the question."

"Sounds fair to me." Adeline said with a small smile; she had been a little disappointed when she thought she lost.

Remus took a breath then said bluntly "I was told to name the person whose mind I most wanted to read."

"So you want to read my thoughts Lupin?" Adeline said with a smirk.

"You confuse me Wilson." Remus admitted with a shrug, "It would be nice to understand you better."

"Well too bad because my mind is an impenetrable fortress."

"Hmmm you don't strike me as an Occlumen, Wilson. Especially given your history with Defense."

"You know what I am tired of you guys dogging on me about Defense." Adeline pretending to be angry.

"Sirius is the only one who dogs." Remus replied.

"No you all like to remind me how bad I am, but you know what Lupin- you are not a perfect student either."

"I'm not? Well that is news to me."

"You must have forgotten about Herbology? I remember you killing quite a few plants and passing out from the Mandrakes."

"First of all, the day I passed out was a full moon thank you very much."

"Don't use that as an excuse as if you weren't bawling over it yesterday."

"And second of all, I am skilled at all the classes that actually matter. Herbology is useless."

"Useless?? How do you think medicine is made? What about potions?"

"I would rather be able to defend myself against a death eater than be able to grow a plant."

"And if you get hurt by the death eater than you'll be relying on people like me to save you."

"I am perfectly capable of saving myself Wilson. Last I checked I was the one carrying your dying ass to the infirmary."

"Yeah to be healed because you couldn't 'defend' me against Snape."

Remus went silent.

"Checkmate." Adeline said with a satisfied look on her face. Then she turned back to her cookie dough and poured in the chocolate chips.

"You still really should have taken Defense this year Wilson."

Adeline mixed the chocolate chips into the dough. "I wasn't going to waste my time in a class I hate."

a sheep in wolf's clothing// remusWhere stories live. Discover now