youre not sorry

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The week went by quickly. Fleamont and Adeline started planning their product testing. Sirius and James started planning their pranks. And Euphemia started planning what they were all going to do over the summer.

But now the week is over. And it's time to return to Hogwarts.

"Is everyone all packed?" Euphemia asked.

A chorus of yes's followed Euphemia's question.

"Wonderful, you have to go get the tab."

"Euphemia, it's a cab. Or a taxi. You kind of blended them." Adeline joked.

"Oh whatever." Euphemia lightly swatted Adeline's arm. Normally they would floo or apparate, but the boys wanted to experience a car ride.

They said goodbye to Euphemia and Fleamont then left the house with their trunks and had Adeline catch them a cab.

"I've never been to the station without my mum and dad." James said thoughtfully once they were driving in the cab.

"I've never been to the station with my mum and dad." Adeline replied. The taxi driver glanced in the rearview mirror at this.

"Cool trauma dump Zipline." The taxi driver glanced again. Zipline? Who are these kids?

"You walked right into that one Prongs." Sirius added. Prongs? the taxi driver thought.

The taxi arrived at the station and while the boys retrieved their trunks, Adeline paid and tipped the driver.

"Muggle money is so weird." James said while they walked into the station.

"It is much more convenient then wizard money."

"But it's worthless. Like it's just a piece of paper. Galleon's are real gold."

"Technically there's gold and valuables involved, money just represents its worth."

"What does that mean?" James asked.

"Yeah I'm not going to explain economics at 7am it's not worth it."


The trio got on the train and found themselves a compartment near the back then waited for the rest to arrive.

It has only been a little over a week and she was already missing the girls terribly. She has no clue how she used to do full summers without seeing them.

Well now you get to see them over the summer. Since you and your parents have become estranged.

The three of them watched out the open door of their compartment, all excited to see their friends. They were not however excited to see Snape walk by.

Adeline made eye contact as he passed by. Her eyes narrowed and his widened.

"That nerve of that man."

"What did he do this time?" James asked.

Adeline cocked her head at this, "Are you serious?"

"No I am." Sirius said.

Adeline ignored him, "Did Lupin not tell you?"

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