getaway car

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Adeline sat in her cell reading back through her past. Writing everything down, being able to have that distraction, kept her sane.

It was tempting to only include her best memories, but she elected to write everything. She just wouldn't reread the most painful memories.

One day as Adeline skimmed through the contents of her fourth year, she heard footsteps. She immediately hid the book back into her ears and sat facing out of the cell. The Ministry Officials never bothered her much, but ever since Sirius had escaped she feared them.

She wasn't scared that they would do anything to her, but because she was scared that they held the knowledge of whether or not Sirius was still alive.

The Ministry Official stopped at her cell and Adeline felt her heart plummet.

But he didn't bring about the bad news of Sirius' capture nor his death. Instead he unlocked her cell.

Adeline didn't move.

"Come on now." The Official said as he helped her up. "Unless you'd rather stay in Azkaban."

"Pinch me." Adeline said as he reattached her prosthetic to her leg. They had confiscated it when she had been sentenced.

The Official have a short laugh, "Come on Wilson."

Adeline hesitantly took the first step out of the cell. She stood there for a moment. Half in and half out, before taking the plunge and stepping the full way out. She half expected to be shoved back in. For the Official to tell her it's all a prank. But instead he continued to lead her out of the hallway.

"What's you name?" Adeline asked to try to ground herself, still feeling like she was dreaming.

"Kingsley. Adébáyò."

"Nice to meet you sir." Adeline responded as she followed him, "So I'm scared to ask, but am I like free? Or am I going to get executed or some shit."

"You're getting freed Miss Wilson."

Tears filled Adeline's eyes for the first time in years, "You're fucking with me."

"I am not."

"How did they prove I'm innocent?" Adeline asked excited.

"Technically you aren't considered innocent."

"What?" Adeline questioned, now feeling deflated once more.

"You're being freed under the guise of a mistrial."

"What does that mean?"

"Upon a request, officials re-examined your case, and found that there was a court statement of you asking them to check your wand. They didn't, which they are legally required to do."

"So people still think I'm a murderous traitor?"

"Not everyone. Many believe that Peter Pettigrew is alive, but there is no proof of that."

"Fun." Adeline mumbled, "So who requested my case be re-examined? Sirius?"

"Sirius Black is a fugitive."

"Remus then?" Adeline asked hopeful that he knew the truth.

"No, Remus Lupin is suspected to be in cohorts with Sirius Black and has been revealed as an unregistered werewolf."



"Mary McDonald."

"No, I don't even know who that is."

"Okay... then Dumbledore?"




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