Irondad Spideyson

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Frigga told me how Peter hasn't been feeling well lately. I assumed he just missed me especially since Pepper is gone. I'm working on bringing her back but it will take years. I found Thor, Loki, and Hela playing outside. 

"Hi Mr. Tony" said Thor. 

"Hey, where is Peter" I asked. 

"Probably his room" said Hela. 

The three went back to playing and I went inside to Peter's room. He was laying in his bed sleeping. I walked up to Peter and sat on the bed. 

"Hey Pete. you awake" I whispered. 

"Ya" said Peter. 

He sat up and looked at me. 

"I heard you aren't feeling well" I said. 

Peter nodded. 

"Is it mother" I asked. 

"A little, I miss her" said Peter. 

"I miss her two" I said. 

Peter crawled over and hugged me. I hugged back and kissed Peter's head. Pepper died when the planet blew up. Not everyone could make it to the ship so she had to stay behind with many others. I leaned over to grab the necklace that was on the nightstand. 

"You know you can still see her" I said. 

I held the necklace in my hand and pushed a button. A hologram of Pepper's face showed up. 

"It's not the same" said Peter. 

"I know" I said. 

I held Peter in my arms as we looked at the hologram. It vanished and I gave the necklace to Peter. He took it and put it on. I got a idea.

"Do you want to come to Earth with me for a trip" I asked. 

"Yes" said Peter. 

"Okay, I'll talk to Odin and Frigga about it later tonight. Let's go outside. I believe we have Ferdinand Magellan's treasure to find" I said. 

Peter got up and we went outside. Most father's probably play catch with their kids. I just teach my son how to steal stuff. And then to use it to help those in need. After we spent some time outside was dinner. Odin and Frigga allowed me to take Peter to earth for a few days. 

"What stuffed animal do you want to bring" I asked. 

"These two" said Peter holding up a shark and a alligator. 

"No you can only bring one" I said. 

Peter looked down at the stuffed animals and thought about it. 

"This one" said Peter holding up the alligator. 

We finished packing Peter's things and took a trip to Earth. Peter has been here before. He just can't live here because of some old rule that was made. However I noticed that something is wrong with Peter. I first thought he just missed me but it's something else. He clearly is sick with something. So I took him to the hospital. 

"Hello, you must be Peter" said the doctor. 

"Yes" said Peter. 

He was really tired today and laying on the bed that was in the room. 

"I'm Anna, can you tell me why you haven't been feeling well" asked the doctor. 

"I'm tired" said Peter. 

We were silent waiting to see if Peter would say more or not. 

"My son has been having headaches, vomiting, tiredness, and frequent bathroom breaks" I said. 

"Okay well I'd like to do a blood draw to see if it's anything serious" said the doctor. 

Peter is only 10 and never had a blood draw before so this might be scary for him. I carried Peter to another room where we did the blood draw. He didn't seem to care too much. I'm not sure if he isn't scared or too tired to care. After the blood draw we had to wait for the test results. Turns out Peter has type 1 diabetes so he had to stay in the hospital until his levels came back down.

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