Short part 5

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"It's possible. Sometimes people kill family but just because she's mad doesn't mean she killed him" said Barry.

The test finished and I walked up to the computer while Barry looked at it.

"Huh, that's weird" said Barry.

"What" I asked.

"It says the blood is clean of everything but this man had extremely high blood sugar. That would make a heart bigger and cause clotting" said Barry.

"Insulin, I was right" I said.

"No, that's not possible" said Barry.

"What do you mean" I asked.

Barry turned to me.

"Most humans produce their own insulin. Insulin is a hormone that helps you digest sugar. When you can't produce it it's called type 1 diabetes. Those people have to take insulin injections to keep a healthy blood sugar level. In short insulin is used to lower blood sugar. But with a level of 450, insulin might of been there to lower it but you can't get that level of blood sugar from insulin. There has to be a over dose of sugar" said Barry.

"But his phone said it was giving him insulin" I said.

"Well, it could be hacked or something" said Barry.

We were silent but I got a idea.

"Wait so, if insulin lows sugar levels then? Is there anything to raise blood sugar" I asked.

"Glucose shots can but if his phone is attached to his pump then he would of had to change it recently" said Barry.

"Is it possible we can get our hands on the pump" asked Loki.

"Yes, his body is at the morgue. So it's possible" said Barry.

"Great, let's go" I said.

Barry grabbed what we need and we went to the morgue where our victim is. We entered and Barry talked to the workers there.

"But before you test the pump. You might want to see this" said a worker.

The worker took us to a room where the dead guy was on the table.

"We found this carved into his chest" said the worker.

The worker showed us the carving.

"Revenge" I asked.

"You read Norse runes" asked the workers.

"Ya, it's popular back where I'm from. This says revenge so someone is upset with this man and killed him. Or they could be mad at the wife" I said.

"Well we can look into that. For now, let's just test the pump" said Barry.

"The pump is empty. I'm not a expert but it appears to function normal. But if you still want it then here" said the worker.

He gave the pump to Barry and we left.

"How common is Norse here" I asked.

"I'm not sure. Most people here are Christian and speak English so Norse hasn't been used by most people" said Barry.

"So, we find who the killer was mad at and who knows Norse and we have the killer" I said.

"In theory, just because they used Norse doesn't mean they actually know Norse. They could of used Google" said Barry.

"Right, so how do we catch this killer" I asked.

"I don't know. For now just test the evidence and see what we find" said Barry.

I rolled my eyes.

"Now I understand how Sylvie felt at pie land" I said.

"Who" asked Barry.

"She's a friend" I said.

We made it back to the police office and went inside. We found Eddie talking to the man's wife.

"Don't worry, we will find the person responsible" said Eddie.

"I just don't understand. Why would my husband suddenly die" asked the wife.

"We are looking into it. Did he have any medical conditions or use any medication" asked Eddie.

"No, just type 1 diabetes. But he was really good at managing it" said the wife.

I walked up to them.

"Hi, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for your loss" I said.

"Who are you" asked the women.

"Loki, I'm helping my friend Barry find out what happened to your husband. Do you know when he last changed his pump" I asked.

"The smorning. He took it off last night and was going to put a new one on before leaving the house. He asked me if I filled it for him but I told him I didn't because I didn't want to mess with his device. We brushed it off and he put it on like normal. Why? Are you saying someone used it to murder him" asked the wife.

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