Multiverse Timeline (They Who Remain Seated)

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WARNING: Tora says awful thing about disabled people and slight mention of suicide.


"How is Mobius" I asked.

"Loving his new jet ski" said Loki.

"Good" I said.

I went back to watching the multiverse. A lot happens. Someone punched the queen, someone ate cancer, someone took over the world with a army of rabbits. It's best not to ask. I looked into another timeline and saw Tora talking to her husband Ryker.

"I still can't believe Viggo keeps that thing prisoner" said Tora.

"He says we need y/n alive" said Ryker.

Tora scoffed.

"Ya well, he'd do them a favor by killing them. I'd rather kill myself then be disabled. At least I'm a human" said Tora.

I shoved that timeline off to the side. Seeing shit like that makes me sad and angry. I am disabled but that doesn't mean I'm not human. I'm more of a human then Tora ever will be.

"Everything okay" Loki asked.

"Ya" I lied.

I tried to hide my pain inside me. Loki pushed the timeline they were watching to the side and pulled me to lean on their chest. Loki kept a arm wrapped around me and rubbed my arm as I leaned on them.

"I know you're lying (nickname)" said Loki.

I said nothing and cuddled with Loki.

"Do you want to talk about it" asked Loki.

I thought about it. I suppose it would help. But I'm not good at talking. I signed.

"Some bitch said that I should kill myself for being disabled" I said.

Loki said nothing and hugged me. I closed my eyes and hugged back. Loki got a idea and grabbed SH's timeline. I opened my eyes and saw Loki make the timeline bigger. The timeline contained tiny green strands Loki looked threw them and grabbed one. Loki pulled out the tiny green strand and they held it out for me to take.

"Would it help if you throw away her timeline" asked Loki.

I snickered and laughed a little. I would, believe me I would. I don't know if it's for sure worth it.

"That's so mean" I said.

"It would make you feel better" said Loki.

"Probably" I said.

I wiped my eyes.

"But I don't think it's worth it. I'd rather make her life hell" I said.

Loki and I were silent as we looked at her life line.

"Any ideas" they asked looking at me.

I thought about it. Broke a arm or a leg I suppose, divorce, have a dragon bite or arm off. However I don't want the poor dragon to get sick and have a upset tummy. So, probably not. What else could I do? I could get her fired.

"Attack her business life" I said.

Loki looked at the lifeline.

"I'm interested" said Loki.

We zoomed in on Tora's life and picked a point in time. I used magic and opened the cages so the dragons could fly away and be free.

"Be free my horned friends be free" I said.

Loki and I laughed as we watched the dragons fly off. I'm sure Tora will hear about that since she was suppose to lock the cages. Revenge is sweet. After watching Tora get in trouble with Viggo Loki put her lifeline back in her timeline and closed it up.

"I feel a little better" I said as Loki wrapped their arms around me.

"Glad I could make you laugh (nickname). You have such a cute laugh" said Loki.

"I don't know about that" I said.

Loki smiled and kissed my head. We went back to watching different timelines. There is one timeline where the devil retired so Loki and I took over as the rulers of Hell. I do miss working for the tva and traveling the multiverse but I can't bring myself to leave Loki here alone. 

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