75 - The Trail

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"Hey, Cap, I found those bad guys you were talking about."

The Avengers had been hunting the trail of bodies that Harlow left behind during her missions

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The Avengers had been hunting the trail of bodies that Harlow left behind during her missions. At first Nick ordered for Steve and Nat to stay silent about the issue. They weren't permitted to tell anyone else about the girls capturing as no one could be trusted. The trio, despite all their effort, failed to make any significant progress in tracking down the girl.

That was until there was a new hushed name that was fearfully exchanged between organisations and groups.
The 'Slayer' was the name that evoked a pinched reaction. This unknown, to others, person left a bloody nightmare behind. It was truly some of the most grotesque and violent sights that even Nat had laid her eyes on. It was too much of a coincidence to ignore. There was no way that a new and unrelated threat rose just after Harlow was taken by the enemy. There was absolutely no way.

Each time they tried to track the new threat, they ended up being too late. There would be no trace of the dangerous individual. A large mess left behind. The kills at first were sloppy and careless which made Nat unsure whether or not it truly was Harlow behind it all - albeit with Hydras manipulation. Eventually and with reluctance, Nick finally included the rest of the Avengers in the search. It was safe to say Tony was furious.

The girl he deemed like his own family was suffering and he hadn't been told. The revelation sparked up a rather ugly fight between Tony and Nick, which left both parties bitter. Nick knew Tony had a right to be mad, he had kept something very important from him. Nick however didn't appreciate the challenge that Tony gave have. Fighting for the dominant leader. Upon hearing the news, Clint rushed to meet with the group, Laura understanding and worrying from home. There was a part of Clint that was shocked that Natasha would keep something from him. Especially something so major. He felt disgusted with himself. Harlow was going through hell whilst he was spending time with his family and only going on the odd mission.

The news that SHIELD was compromised also didn't sit well with those that were in the unknown. The whole scandal ended up going quiet as Hydra held back fire, no doubt doing so because of their new prisoner. Hydra had managed to cover all of its bases, making it incredibly difficult for the group to expose them.

With everyone in the Avengers helping - minus Thor - they were able to start pinpointing all the areas The 'Slayer' hit. The first time, the whole group ever witnessed the after math of a mission, the whole time frame changed. They already knew that they had to find Harlow as soon as possible. What they witnessed sent them into panic mode. The dead bodies had been tampered with, made to look like certain people. This quickly became a pattern between the different murder sites. The bodies always being left looking like well known members of Hydra.

Harlow always did it as she sobbed, her chest heaving whilst she hyperventilated. The high from killing would soon evacuate her body. Leaving her grieving the mess she made and the lives she took. Hydra had managed to make her hungry for blood yet the guilt was still there. She just couldn't stop herself before it was too late. In an attempt to alleviate her guilt, Harlow would force them to look like all the bad people who had wronged her. That way the dead people deserved it. Or at least she tried to trick her mind into that. Truthfully it never worked. Whenever confronted with it, Harlow would taunt the workers saying it was their fair warning.

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