Chapter 2

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[ == U.S. Government Intranet == ]


[ + ] - Neutral or outside information

[ ] - Government/Military Official

[ # ] - Personnel [ ACC. Code CIV ]

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[ The Marines down south have LITERALLY built up a settlement. We'll let them have it ]
[ - [ ] Department of Defense - ]

[ Hunter 2-1 of the 75th Ranger Regiment, you are expecting reinforcements, 4 new personnel, be sure to treat 'em well when they come along. ]
[ - [ ] Department of Defense - ]

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"Gold rush"

January 7th, 2056
November 8th, 1097

USS New Essex

"Michael," Skadi called to the Marine Grenadier. He turned to her from his spot, his M25 tapping against his chest. Before them, the beacon that hinted at the location of the Stultifera Navis shined beautifully in the distance. On the decks of the USS New Essex, and from around whatever other large scale ships there was, Helicopters were having their pre-flight check, marines were getting their CQC and boarding equipment, and everybody else was loading up their magazines.

Skadi walked over to him, leaving over the Railing. The Ship was now perpendicular with the Stultifera Navis, the beacon shining. Its mast can faintly be seen from the deck, and it was shining, beautifully. Its light was reflecting off the clouds.

Grabbing his M27, he focuses on her, "You ready?" Skadi pulls out her sword-like weapon, which glistened in the sunlight. Specter was looking more and more composed. Gladiia was preparing her hook weapon, and Ulpianius, well, he was there, not entirely within sight. They were splitting the group by their order.

Skadi and Michael are going to work together on getting to the main center. That was their goal, everybody else was to work on fighting against the Seaborne.

Smokton gathered Gladiia and Ulpianus. "Let's make this quick," she began, standing near a table. Irene quickly came up, being trailed by Laurentina. "The mission is, first and foremost," Smokton grabs her projector again, showing a rough detail of the Stultifera Navis, gathered by some preliminary scouting missions, "get the engine back up and running with the key that is within Gladiia's possession." The aforementioned swordfish nodded, reaching her hand into her pocket and subtly gripping it.

Ulpianus didn't look terribly excited, but considering the firepower of the USMC, he wasn't going to complain either. Secretly, he bets he can probably throw one of the smaller ships around like a toy. He leans forward and taps the table, "What is the next mission if that is the first?"

"The second Mission," she looks North, "Get this ship back over to Gran Faro if possible. It's short, and sweet, but if that's possible, and without problem... then we can try and achieve it today."

Irene goes up to her, looking at the Marine. "It should be possible, provided that we can figure out how to utilize it..."

Loading some ammo into his rifle, Michael nods at the Abyssal hunter next to him, who turned towards the Defiants, which were starting their engines. "It's show time."

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