Chapter 32

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[ == U.S. Government Intranet == ]

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[ Levi has been located, we are preparing a strike team. This may critically interrupt operations in Sargon and Columbia, but considering the situation, that may or may not be all that bad. ]


[ - [ ] Director of the CIA - ]

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Cameras and Cake

Ms. Zofia was looking at him up and down, observing his kit. Scanning his Bowie knife, his uniform, his 'armor', and his crossbow. Allen noticed that the way she moved and observed him were trained and moving in such a way that he knew that she was a professional fighter at some point. That it all wasn't just some hot air placed on her record just to try and puff up her name.

It was the eyes, he swears it was the eyes. They always hide the wisdom that isn't spoken and the stories untold.

"You look like you have seen some action yourself." She commented, smiling. That answer made it sound like she had an idea of what he was thinking. He blinked for a moment. How the hell did she-

"Yeah," he quickly responded.

"What's your story?" She asked, a little curious. She was testing him, like a recruiter.

Allen quickly remembered what exactly he had rehearsed for hours on end. "I'm from a Private Military group that formed up in Columbia's pioneer territory," he explained, keeping his tone natural and even, explaining as if he was reminiscing on some 'good ol' times'. "We protect cargo most of the time, sometimes we get into fights, but we try and keep ourselves on the downlow."

It was a pretty convincing story, intel from Columbia revealed that there's plenty of unknown companies, groups, and organizations that reside within the great pioneer lands of the country. Plus, there were tons more companies that were being built up out there, sometimes too quick for the government in Columbia to really pay attention.

Creating a fake emblem, a story that is convincing enough, and some disguises took only a few clicks and the clacking of some keyboards.

"Mmmm... I can tell, your equipment looks like they came straight from Raythean."

"Yeah..." Allen responded, coughing, "My company was able to acquire some surplus for some favors." He rested his hands at his side, after wiping some of the sweat that was coming off of him.

"Well ma'am, you said you had interest in my skills, so what exactly did you mean by that?" Zofia clicked her tongue and hummed.

"Ah of course," she goes over to the screen and taps it, "You completed this obstacle course in record time," she looks over at Maria's score who rested just below his, "And you have managed to overcome my niece's time."

"Uhuh..." he responds, "Where are you going with this?" she quickly spun around and turned to face him. She seemed to be in thought for a moment, before finally being able to speak up.

"Are you able to consider working with me on training Maria for the incoming Kazimierz Major?"

"That big competition?" he questioned. Zofia gave a nod and he swore that he can see Maria off to his left being all excited, especially after seeing his score and the video footage.

Arknights: Starsfall IIOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora