Chapter 65

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[ == U.S. Government Intranet == ]

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[ I'll head back home to Washington in a few days following the end of Operation Warhammer. It was good to be here in Columbia in its time of crisis, but now it will be time to come home ]
[ - [ ]  President Hawthorne - ]

[ The Eastern United States has been religiously fortified against the Seaborn, but with the nuclear annihilation of their Ishar-Mla, the enemy has temporarily retreated from assault North America. We can use this time to further fortified the coasts and the islands. ]
[ - [ ]  USACE - ]

[ We have Freedom Stars over Londinium, ready to deploy when the time comes. ]
[ - [ ]  JSF - ]

[ We are requesting artillery fire all over the financial district of Londinium, we need to bring down the shard ]
[ - [ ]  UN Security Council - ]

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"Sì, non lontana da Scienza!"

"Next..." and Ifrit nervously began to step forward into the room. Saria was with here, and Silence was flanking the 2, looking at a clipboard. They were safely in a facility far away from Londinium and more closer to New Geneva. Warm lights beamed down on them, contrasting with the white tiles and the futuristic feel of the place.

On the board was a list of things, courtesy of the American's Department of Health and Human Services. There was requirements and there was warnings of a resting period on there. She was reading everything, all the risks, all the benefits, and any potential long term issues and how to deal with them.

Ejyafalla was just exiting the room, guided by a doctor. "You need to rest for about 3 days and consume plenty of Iron and nutrients," she starts producing something out of her coat pockets and gently placing it in the girl's hand and clasping it, "You're on the Road to Recovery now..."

"Thank you..." the little one let out, eyes filled with hopeful tears.

"No problem, let's get you back to your room so you can rest..."

Ifrit watched as Eyjafalla walked away, before she was next into the room. "Are you ready?" Questioned Silence who looked down at the still, very nervous Sarkaz-Savra. She stared at the door that would lead to either her freedom from Oripathy, or something that could accelerate her downfall.

"W-will it hurt?" She questioned, looking at Saria, who only shook her head with a fond smile on her face.

"No, I don't think it will," she turned to her, "It'll probably just be a pinch and it is over with." Ifrit nodded, before fully stepping into the room. She saw the little table and the medical bed that was in there, as well as cabinets probably chock full of supplies and more of what the DHHS has been sending out to Terra.

"Good afternoon," Saria began, looking at the doctor who was busy writing things down. She was at the desk, registering things and preparing all of the information on her upcoming patient. She turned around and gave a warm smile at her and then at Silence.

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