Chapter 70

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"Royals' Checkmate"

The feeling of being in serious trouble was never so conveyed so seriously as it did right now.

The Marines started to focus fire on Theresis while the ACVs tackled his more heavily armored Lackies and his Steam Tanks. AT4s and the autocannons of those APC-like vehicles began to open fire on them.

Ramirez and Exusiai turned their weapons to the Regent, but they weren't sure what the plan was.

Alexandrina gathered Erick and Hannah, while also gesturing at Morgan and Dagda. A silent plan was being formed, as the Regent was watching their movements like a hawk. Erick suddenly tossed something at him.

"Hah-!" the Sarkaz began, preparing to swing the sword.

Theresis was ready to retaliate, but what he didn't expect was Sand and Dust to come flying out of it. It got in his eyes and started to irritate him. He lost his concentration for a moment, and everybody can see that his Aura temporarily broke.

"Now!" and that's when everybody began to move.

Hannah and Morgan went with combined attacks, slashing and punching him in his legs. Before he could retaliate, the 2 also went forward and went to deliver a powerful punch to his stomach, sending him flying.

He stopped against an ACV, which had begun to depress its gun and another RWS system right at him. "Get off our ride!" the Tank Commander yelled through her PA system as the guns began to bark at him. He raised his Arts, the Aura returning as the shield and the respective defense buff came back on.

The .50 cal did an okay amount of damage to him, but the autocannon started to chip his shield and health away. He quickly regained his aura and slashed the opposing ACV. Melting it and reducing it to a puddle with its crew.

But that is when Dagda was able to land a devastating blow to his back, as well as some sort of device he had back there.

That pissed him off, as he swung hard enough to get the Feline off of his back as he reached there and grabbed the device. Visible anger and frustration lined his features before it neutralized back into a focused state.

He began to let out slashes at random, which not only hurt Marines but it killed off the remaining Steam Tanks and his lackeys.

Leaving just him, Glasgow, and whoever else was in the vicinity of Westhalag.

Alexandrina looked at a dead marine's kit and she grabbed some Flash bangs. Erick also began to produce a rope like tool and he started to swing it. "Go!" Hannah called out, as she rushed with Dagda and a few Marines that were spraying at the Regent.

He raised his shield, and though he was still very focused, the fact that the 5.56 began to actually penetrate his shield and start impacting against his arm. His growl of frustration immediately followed, breaking his focus just for a moment.

Just enough for Hannah and Dagda to successful hit him and run away to a safer distance. "Damn you all!" he let out, before going to rush forward. He immediately cut down a Marine, causing the other 2 to go full auto and start running.

One of their heads split open when he threw his now battered shield at them.

He tried to rush the last one, "Begone-"

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