Chapter 49

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[ == U.S. Government Intranet == ]

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"Open your heart"

Allen could recall the morning events easily.

When he arrived at Ms. Zofia's house, he found it to be quite nice. Not too extravagant, and has a good amount of honest features.

He got up, freshened up using the stuff in his bag, made sure his MP5 was clean - while he was in the bathroom mind you - and he made sure his crossbow was fully loaded. He also released that he packed his "PMC" gear and some additional magazines of arrows and 5.7mm.

After coaxing Ms. Zofia out of her bed and getting Maria ready, Allen found himself in a vehicle, speeding to the big arena where it all will happen. Zofia was still recovering from the alcohol but she was looking at Allen weirdly the entire morning.

He only gave her a friendly pat on the arm from the passenger seat. She was driving after all. He swore that they were being trailed by some sort of vehicle, but he simply ignored it.

Probably security that was running late to their shift.

Arriving at the Arena, Allen was floored by the millions of people that have come to witness the games.  He saw tons of booths, screens, and signs of companies, clubs, and gatherings of independent people around Kazimierz for the event. He saw stadiums before in his life, Fenway park especially.

But nothing exactly compared to the massive colosseum that was before him.

Maria got signed up, as an independent knight, and got ready for the fight. Zofia gave her a grand hug for good luck, and sent her niece off on her journey towards the locker rooms. Her first match was in an hour so she was going to stock up on her energy and her strength.

Zofia took him to a really good seat - according to her - and they watched as matches came and went. Allen found the matches quite interesting. From what he read from the brochures and any other information he was able to get - plus more elaboration from Zofia on the event, this entire event was bound to get real interesting real fast.

Maria's first match came, and although Zofia trained her for much longer, the young knight was able to use some of the training that Allen gave her, utilizing his pointers and lessons in quarters combat lessons to dodge, weave, and eventually knock out the opponent, even though it was pretty dark for this battle.

Allen was impressed and he found pride that she picked up on his skills as fast as he did when he was just a private.

At a point, Allen realized that his sunglasses were far from his person. But at the same time, he had run out of care for the thing. Shepherd stopped bothering to report a long while ago, and his team was growing more elusive. He wasn't happy about it and he tried to communicate their absence to Shepherd.

He has gotten no response for a while now, so he sort of began to neglect trying to report back to him.

"Hey, Zofia," Allen began, still clapping after seeing Maria kick somebody in and win another round, "I'm going to go explore." The Kuranta looked to him and chuckles.

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