Chapter 54

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[ == U.S. Government Intranet == ]

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"...are Better than the one we don't"

Dutley continued on, leading the small group. His eyes scanned the fog once more. Behind him was Corporal Jacob who had his M27 ready to blast whatever comes near in the head. The 5 PLA followed behind the 2 carefully, while the 2 tankers were among them holding Carbine M5s.

"What exactly were you facing?" asked Jacob, "Were those things the reason why you all were running?"

"Yes," began one of the PLA soldiers, "We do not know what they are, but they started to harass us a long time ago when the Sargonian Government fell."

"Collapsals," began Dutley, who turned to them, "What you just faced were Collapsals."

"That's what they are called?" began a Red Guard, in rather broken English admittedly. 

"Yes, they have been a threat in southern Sargon, but many thought they went extinct after a great crusade against them." The PLA Private hummed, humbled by the knowledge.

"Command has chosen an unwise position then."

"Is somebody out there? We hear voices that aren't those creatures!" that same group from before called out, and Dutley began to run ahead with Jacobs.

The 2 turned a corner, and raised their weapons.

To be greeted by LED lights and a small group of people, 2 of them were PLA, 3 were Israeli, and 1 was an American who was trying to work on something. Judging by the silhouette that was able to break through the fog, what they were looking at was a V-22 Osprey.

Jacobs runs up to them, "What's going on here?" as Dutley moved to find a position. He took out some of his traps and began to place them down, as he climbs atop a barracks building and looks around. 

The fog was clearing, but in his experience, he knew that it didn't meant it was over.

He looked back down at the group, one of the Israelis explaining that they were trying to fix up  the Osprey so they can get off the ground and towards safety. He focused his gaze outwards and towards the roar of guns again.

He was familiar now with what he calls the "Melody of War" courtesy of Earth.

Guns, explosions, roars in the sky.

An awful lot of noise in his opinion, but war is war.

"Alright we have an objective!" Jacobs called out, Dutley peaking back down at him, "Secure the base, protect our engineers, and get the V-22 up and going! Any questions?!"

Nobody said anything, and the corporal clapped his hands, "Alright we know what we're doing, let's go, let's go, let's go!" 

Dutley remained where he was, when the howls began. A Chinese soldier took cover behind a JLTV and silently called out, "That's the noise they made when they're about to ambush us!"

"Here they come..." the Hunter slightly uttered under his breath.

The 20 soldiers plus Dutley remained ready, scanning the fog. It was slightly clear, but they still couldn't see far into the jungle outside of the Outpost. 

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