Chapter 6

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[ == U.S. Government Intranet == ]


[ + ] - Neutral or outside information

[ ] - Government/Military Official

[ # ] - Personnel [ ACC. Code CIV ]

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"Ashes, Ashes"

"After much intelligence gathering," a PLA General said, walking around a decently sized room. In the center of it, was a round table that had many people, dressed in the officer and commander uniforms of the People's Republic. The walls were basic, something like planks of the wood harvested from the jungle all around the base they had established. The general tapped a map with a pointer stick, "We have learned that we are effectively closing in on the Capital of the Sargon Confederacy."

The officers looked at the AP intel, silently discussing plans and the next movements, what materials they should be using, and what they should be expecting. The General liked this, it meant that the gears within their little heads were turning. He explains, "From what we know, if we take down the capital, and kill the king that resides with it," the officers turned back to him, "Then this nation will slowly fall apart. Granted," he looked down and continued his pacing, "This is a Confederacy, which means that taking it down will only cause it to splinter." He points at the map and at a region decorated with various emblems that showed heavy fortifications.

"This place, Acahualla, where we met the Columbians, is riddled with them and what looks like old American Technology," he stops, "Not to mention the natives have been galvanized by Tomimi and her Gavial's Will." The officers muttered about the chieftess that embarrassed them in Hawaii, stopping a few moments after saying their comments. "What this means is that trying to expand into this region, especially since its primarily a jungle, will be a massively costly affair that will serve little purpose or gain to us."

"The rest of the regions should be open for 'Grabs' as they would say in the west."

He stops and points at the digital map that was on the table, which had finally finished booting up after going through a few bugs, "So, how should we go about this operation, men?" An officer stood, holding papers and holding a stylus. He leans over the map and double taps on the stylus after hovering it a few millimeters above the screen. It brought up a menu, like the right click of a mouse, and he grabbed a few assets from the menu.

"General, if I may suggest," the man nodded and waved his hand. Bringing up the digital graphic of the Sargonian capital, the officer placed several units of armor, mechanized and motorized around the area they were in. He also grabbed some Artillery markers, as well as the emblems for the Air wings that were now within their capabilities of using.

The general leaned over the officer, as he used a layering system to show the various stages of his plan, "Tell us, as you go along, Lieutenant."

"Yes sir," the officer spoke, pointing at the map, "First, we have our drones scout out the surrounding area and have our air assets do preliminary bombing runs on all military installations of the city. Since we do not expect to see Columbian military assets this far, we can negate the deployment of any Anti-Air, thus saving us some logistical costs and allows us to have a larger stockpile of readily available weapons against them." The general and other officers nodded and made various phrases of approval.

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