Chapter 50

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[ == U.S. Government Intranet == ]

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"Honeypot and Cake"

Allen began to reach where Zofia was sitting, passing through the crowds in a frantic hurry. He checked his phone and saw that Maria's match was in a couple of moments.

Hot on his tail was Franka and Liskarm. The former of the 2 moving quickly towards the runaway American.

Justyna was also hot on the trail with Sona and Greynuty catching. The girl was injured and she definitely needed time to recover somewhere.

Adversely, the magic of Adrenaline and what it can do to an individual is rather amazing.

Platinum was trailing in the distance, alerting members of the Armorless Union as they watched one of their former co-workers chase after somebody. Some began to call after her, wondering what she was doing.

The kuranta was bent on getting to that figure. Why was he here at the Major? Where did he get an Earthling SMG?

She noticed that her target was getting further and further away.

He pass through the doorway, the still wet outside slowly giving way to louder, dryer ground. The others pursuing him was forced to take cover in a little booth outside, where they were serving warm food at least.

Justyna was moved into the doorway, where Sona began to further treat her and start checking her for any more injuries.

Allen was pointedly aware of something as he entered the audience once again.

Zofia was waiting patiently for him, her hand stuck on her face. She seem downtrodden, and worried. Watching as Maria's face goes back on screen as well as the person she was SUPPOSED to be with. However, him quickly going back into the seat next to her, made the older lady brighten up.

"You came back," she smiled. She honestly thought that he wasn't coming back - knowing how her luck was

Allen gave a nod, and a shuddering breath, "Yeah..." he wiped his head of the rainwater that still lingered to him and took a breath, "Storm out there was rough, it started coming down and it was hard to try and get back to you without getting soaked."

He held up his arm, which was dripping, only to emphasis his situation. Zofia began to giggle and held to him, "Don't worry... I'll warm you..." As she began to carry that out, the lights, the fanfare, and the cheers began.

On one end, they found Maria, head held high as she enters the field.

On the other end, 2 knights that began to enter the Arena. Cameras began to focus on the faces of Maria and the 2 others. The corrupted knight was named one of them, the other was named the withered knight.

Charming names for nights, aren't they?

Allen was confused, why was there 2 of them out there? Why is Maria all by herself?

Zofia also seem to have caught on, as she took a good look at the screen and at the 2nd avatar. "Where's... her partner?" The crowd seem to not have realize the plight. The announcers didn't seem to care either. As the countdown began.

Nervously, Maria began to look for Zofia and Allen, and began to point at the side of her head.

"Maria?!" Zofia's voice was heard, and the younger Kuranta began to speak back to them, trying to look neutral on camera.

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