Chapter 51

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[ == U.S. Government Intranet == ]

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[ With the experiment and the volunteers from Rhodes Island, we have found a wide range of results, and we have discord that cure #882-Beta and vaccine #99-Alpha functions perfectly. I am issuing an executive order to get these in production ]


[ - [ ] President Hawthorne - ]

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"Open your heart..."

Skadi was sitting in a room. She was wearing a specified dress that she needed before she gets into the pod. It felt light, it felt naked compared to her regular uniform or even the new uniform that she gets whenever she calls upon the great God that governs Earth.

She looked out the window, seeing snowy mountains and beautiful clouds descend upon where she was.

Alaska was deemed to be not good enough. Michael said that due to the state's lack of surveillance and hard to operate in environments, it would be a monumental task to protect and contain Skadi if the experiment goes horribly wrong.

So they went with the next best thing.

A large, rectangular state that goes by the name of Colorado. Nestled within the Central United States, there were bases, there was a majestic mountain range, there was also a large enough military and surveillance presence that could respond quickly in case of an emergency.

Plus it is the Rockies, more naturally defendable and more easy to fortify.

Outside, Skadi noticed Apaches and all sorts of attack aircraft flying about. While for now these pilots were enjoying the relative freedom they had to fly about, if things went south like what all of these commanders were fearing, then their enjoyment will turn to probable horror.

She heard a few knocks on the door outside, she had her hands nervously against her chest as she began to approach. Slippers sliding against the carpeted floor before finally taking step onto tile.

Taking hold of the handle, she twists it, and began to pull it open.

"Skadi, Good Afternoon," Michael was there. Dressed in his regular uniform, and his M27 slung over him. He only has a helmet on, and a small grenade launcher attached to the M27. He gave her a tilt of his helmet, and a warm smile. Texan in nature, but it truly felt like him.

"You ready?' He asked, his expression softening. Skadi began to nod and step out of her room.

She was brought into white, sterile hallways, with a carpeted floor, emergency lights lining the corners between the wall and the floor. Fluorescent lights above beamed their dull lightning toward her, complemented only by the sun who beamed in from a few nearby windows.

"What if... what the angels told me were wrong?" Michael just side hugged Skadi and began to escort her. Its as a genuine concern that had been

"Orca... listen..." he turned to her and he looked dead into her eyes, "If they were to come when I was in the hospital, then what is to say that the Man Upstairs won't have his finest when he decides to purge an unholy presence off the face of the Earth?"

"But..." Skadi sighed, and looked forward down the rolling sight of hallways. "I wish for it to work..."

"Then he will definitely listen." The 2 continued down the hallway. Michael had a radio which chirped occasionally, only reporting that they were heading the right way. They passed by a checkpoint, which was guarded by a pair of Marines with G36Cs.

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