Chapter 14

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[ == U.S. Government Intranet == ]

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[ I am requesting that the marines coming here be supplemented with the right material. They're marines damnit, and they will... ]
[ - [ ] President Mayla Hawthorne - ]

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"Fun and Games"

Exiting the malaise of the Territory that is Acahualla, the rumble of tracks, wheels on gravel, and turbine engines purred through whatever open jungle that they were able to trudge on through. Dutley was not with them, rather he was still in the main village, talking about further movement into the Hotlands, which is increasingly becoming a problem to try and even conduct basic recon, as there is strange disturbances and interference that is making the region tough to scout out wit the use of sensors. Cameras work fine, but the sensor disturbance greatly worries the commanders down here that need all possible angles to attack the PLA.

It was a moment after lunch, everybody had eaten what they could before moving. They were on the move, heading west.

If they were trying to go for the main control which is the furthest point away, that is something no longer possible, as there is CIA reports from Washington about a supposed new Red Guard and the People's Liberation Army being sent here in large numbers. Which means there is a lot of personnel ( illegally sent as a reminder ) and a lot of equipment ( also illegal ) down there, and they are probably utilizing and requisitioning what they can. They were not going for the Sargonian heartland, and they weren't moving as a proving assault.

What they were moving as, is a Quick Response Force.

Freedom Star-11's Observation and Surveillance Suite began to report heavy armored movement coming from the aforementioned mainland coming towards the largest Sargonian territory closest to Acahualla. Which is around the size of South Carolina. On the official Terran maps available in Lungmen, this territory is one hexagon, has a fellow hexagon to the northwest, and a very large territory to the south.

And this territory's distance to Acahualla poses a serious strategic threat to the region and any further resistance to the wave of Chinese coming their way.

Speaking of that, FS-11's suite has noted a few thousand personnel with light armor coming their way. Several Logistics convoys and quite a few personnel carriers. There was a few squadrons of tanks, and a squadron of the C&C esque tanks coming their way. Eyes on attack helicopters as well, and some aircraft in the distance. Z10s and some Multi-Roles.

The JSF Space station is willing - and already has begun - to send F-45s to do what they can to make sure allied forces don't get totally scragged fighting in this territory.

"Can't believe this shit..." the tank commander of a Columbian Abrams muttered, peaking over the .50 Calibre machine gun on his vehicle. He was gripping to some paper, following behind an American tank that was leading this column. The coalition forces was compromising of American Marines and Columbian Army. LAVs, M1A4 and M1A2C Abrams. Armored Cars and some Strykers, and plenty of helicopters.

Forward, in the territory already, was several squadrons of Marines that were acting as first responders, while other helicopters moved to evacuate any civilians that were in the town via their large helicopters and some JSF dropships, getting them to Acahualla, where the Israelis and ASEAN forces have built the land border of the territory up with Patriot systems, anti air, fortifications, and long range artillery weapons. More and more equipment will probably come along, should the need arise.

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