Chapter 27

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[ == U.S. Government Intranet == ]

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[ A Fallen Angel is confirmed, Dropship 1-Alpha has been taken down with stolen U.S. Military equipment. Requesting immediate evacuation of our fallen and requesting immediate intelligence operators on the spot to investigate why they have access to U.S. Military equipment]


[ - [ ] Freedom Star-11 - ]

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"A setting sun"

The rapidly moving boots of Horn and her little unit were heard. The smoke of the fallen Angel was before them, and so was the last few remaining streets that led up to the poor downed dropship. The squad passed by more streets, seeing bits of the dropships that had fallen off. They were burning still, and the surrounding area around those burnt chunks of metal was incredibly hot.

Nobody dared to go by them, for none wanted to burn themselves against the metal of the downed dropships.

That wouldn't be a pleasant way to go, now would it?

"Shh-!" Horn let out, nearing the corner. Her fellow Victorians raised their crossbows in readiness. Amidst the fighting, there was the agonizing noises of a screaming individual. He sounded like he was in absolute pain from the tone and from the volume of it.

"That sounds like an American-!" one of the members got up. Horn reached her hand out, and stopped that Victorian from going forward.

"Do not continue forward, private," she silently warned, peaking around the corner for herself. When she peaked, she saw a considerable amount of heavy Dublinn forces that were interrogating one of the pilots.

By interrogating, they were positively beating the hell out of the poor man.

Horn turned to her crossbowmen, and nodded forward, "Move up, and take out the ones that are harming our allies." One of them nodded, the other moving up with a simple, "Yes ma'am."

With that order given, the 2 positioned themselves behind some debris. Just as one of the Dublinn warriors began to bring down another hit on the pilot, the 2 let loose their crossbows, and expertly pierced into the back of the heads of 2 of the enemy soldiers at the crash site.

When they fell, the others turned around, and stopped what they were doing. "Fucking Victorians!" one yelled in hatred, before charging. Horn rounded the corner at the group, as well as the rest of the squad. Handcannon up and her eyes squinting.

"Not today," she declared, before shooting a single round forward.

The shell landed in a large concentration of the group, which was rapidly trying to spread out. They didn't do it early enough, and a few more waves of arrows and another shell sent them to oblivion.

Quickly the battle has settled down. Actually, it was a Skirmish, calling it a battle would be too immodest.

That might change in moments as the streets of this area of Hillock were not showing signs of tranquility. Rather, it increased as the roar of gun fire got louder and the sound of various engines and yells from nearby blocks began to pick up in intensity. Victorian forces from Hillock were pouring in. Although some are wondering where Colonel Hamilton's forces are.

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