Epilogue IV - 1000 miles away

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News about a cure AND vaccine for Oripathy had spread like wildfire on Terra. There was many skeptical, that it was too good to be true.

There was many in the halls of governments like Ursus who did not like that such a thing has possibly come about, so they tried to use their propaganda to hide the truth.

But it failed, especially as successful news reports began to come from all over Terra, as well as the Russian Military there protecting anybody who seemed to get the cure.

The UN began to use the cure to Oripathy as a sort of diplomatic tool, and it was particularly effective.

Lungmen's treatment rate went through the roof, and the number of people infected with Oripathy was decreasing by the day.

And it was glorious, as the same began to be reported in Columbia. Vaccine and Cure treatments skyrocketed as people went for it in droves.

Ursus finally was infiltrated when the little town that the Russian reserves set up in began to give the cure out, and there was families escaping from all over.

Just for a chance to be rid of the plague which haunts them.

Though their Arts acumen would be effected seriously, in the future a more safe and non-disastrous to life method to using powerful Arts would perhaps be discovered.

Giving all the benefits, while removing all the negatives other than harm to another person.

That is a worry for another time.

Give enough time, and soon everybody diagnosed with Oripathy would be treated, and the vaccine to protect against future infection would ensure that such discrimination and such things as the infected patrol would never arise there again.

For Aegir, they weren't worried about a cure.

They were worried about getting their people out of Terra's oceans and into the vast territories that was set up for them by the United States.

When they had heard about the battles that had been taking place, they were skeptical of the survival of the settlements.

But the revelations of Skadi, and that Ishar-Mla was evaporated in a nuclear explosion, that was enough for the technocratic government to start sending everything down to Earth.

Millions have been relocated, but for good.

The Seaborn can no longer truly harm their species, and they can begin reconstruction, reproduction, and start researching methods to take the fight to Terra.

The United States Marines, for now, was the doing the heavy lifting. Napalm, sonars, depth charges.

Everything against the Seaborn, and the Marines loved it as that meant that finally they get to have some action after being dormant for such a long time.

The war in the waterfront was only just beginning.

And they hope that their new goddess was going to be the one, alongside Almighty God, to bring peace to the oceans of Terra, and finally allow the people to come back to the beaches and enjoy their freedom from fear of the monsters that threatened to assimilate and murder everything that isn't them and their stupid "We many" hive mind.

"Welcome to Texas, my Orca," Michael began, standing next to Skadi as the transport finally began to sail into the Port of Corpus Christi.

Skadi held her staff and looked over the water, looking into the humble few skyscrapers, and the rows and rows of buildings that marked the actual skyline.

The rest of the Abyssal Hunters and the 2 Iberians, as well as Smokton and the rest of Michael's squad, looked over as finally they get to see land.

The ship was quick to stop, and the gangway began to be deployed. Skadi watched as the machines slowly brought it to the side of the ship.

She slowly began to step off, with Laurentina at her side and Michael leading her forward.

It was pretty warm out, which makes the Aegirians very happy that they had some mindshare and other products to ensure that they won't just shrivel up down here.

Michael looked around at the city, and then at the distant outskirts which had oil Derricks with what looked like ranches. Admittedly it was easy from the spot he was standing in, but still, the fact that he hyper focused on the ranches in particular was pretty impressive, "Ahh... home sweet home..." he then turned to Skadi, who was holding her staff which glowed a golden hue.

"And soon, it will be a sweet home for millions more." She giggled looking up as passenger aircraft and transports flew over to any space ports in the area.

Ulpianus stepped forward, "Where is it that we are to be housed?" Smokton blinked as she brought up her tablet.

"Oh that..." she flips it up, "That will be at the Middleton's residence," she explained, "Uncle Sam has politely asked them that they allow us to settle to make an outpost in their territory, which is where we will be staying," she looks up, "Plus it is relatively close to the shore which..."

"I think we get the point," Laurentina responding, giggling as she watches some dock workers push containers around.

Irene and Jordii stayed near her as she starts heading in the direction of the ranch.

Meanwhile Michael gave one more look at the transport ship before side hugging Skadi, "Ready to settle in?"

She beamed, her eyes closing before she responding.

"Yes, I'm ready."

The 2 began to head towards the ranch, as the marines and the Terrans here began to mingle, talking about life, and talking about the future.

Where for the Aegirians, it appeared bright and free, where they can be protected from the Seaborn from behind the American military.

And for the Gulf States, it shined with the possibility of new neighbors, new economic opportunities, and brand new cultures to form.

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