Chapter 25

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[ == U.S. Government Intranet == ]

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[ Concerns in County Hillock have us in Westminster concerned, we might be dealing with some sort of native insurgency caused by nationalists of this Dublinn organization. Dublinn... sounds like Dublin. Oh don't tell me that we are dealing with a Terran IRA? ]
[ - [ ] Minister of Defense - ]

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"Down in Derry"

"Bagpipe," Edmund asked, carrying along some tools, "Are you sure that you are allowed to make a farm here?" He followed the Vouivre, who was humming happily, looking back at him. The sun of County Hillock has come on, shining down and warming everybody for the morning. It felt like a good day, Charlie and his friend Gilbert were trying to figure out what's going on with the former. The skies were clear, an MRH90 was approaching from the northeast, the direction of Londinium. Presumably Task Force 141 coming in after being stranded for a long time in the city.

The new base is still within County Hillock, and it is a very large one, the largest Britain ever had for a long time since the fall of the British Empire.

Now effectively established, with some expertise by the American Marines, this base was capable of any further operations against the Military Commission. American Typhon Missiles and heavy long range artillery were ready to go should the situation call for it. There are F-35s on standby. Tanks and all sorts of armored vehicles were awaiting orders and awaiting for when they should go.

The barracks and its surrounding area was the center of activity.

Edmund was spending some time with Bagpipe, and there was soldiers sharing meals and conversations with the locals. What they were doing was officially referred to as "furthering relations with the local armies of Victoria" according to Westminster. This was an increasingly common thing, soldiers introducing things to each other, some games, some fun from their own homes.

In the case of Edmund, Bagpipe was going to introduce something she does at home. Something she did back in the academy and sometimes indirectly annoyed Ch'en with it.


"Yep!" She chirped, "Captain and some of the others allows us to have some fun with the base on off days where there is a lot of space to be used so," she goes over to a little fenced spot that she has. Contained within was soil, tilled and organized for the various vegetables that were underneath the ground. It looks like it wasn't watered in a while, probably because they have been a bit busy as of late.

As Edmund got down and helped her plant, enjoying the simple activity, off in the main city proper, there was something going on.

An LPPV has been sent to patrol something, responding to local cries for help from the police force in the southwest end of the city. A unique call it was, reports of an armored group causing problems. Armed and armored, should be reiterated.

Many of the equipment that was being reported by drone footage and by firsthand accounts by civilians to the police were close to Military Grade. Which is deeply concerning. While 2nd Tempest Platoon would primarily handle investigating and protecting the city, they were exhausted from defending Londinium for days on end against the Military Commission.

They deserve it.

Although, as Captain Horn put it, "We will be back to work soon, there still are other concerning reports that are bringing our attention. Not all of us will be brought to bear," she admitted when she was speaking to Edmund over breakfast that morning, "Just a small unit of the platoon."

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