Chapter 48

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[ == U.S. Government Intranet == ]

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"LEVEL 2, War Room"

"Thank you for joining us today, Sergeant Foley," Kal'tsit began. Hunter 2-1 and the familiar faces of Penguins logistics and many Elite Operators entered the room, she was standing at a podium in a small auditorium.

A holographic projector was set up, and there was a good number of Rhodes Island Officials, UN Commanders, and Elite Operators within the room, all seated in and holding something. Notes, a tablet, a phone, anything to keep notes of this meeting.

"Thank you for inviting us," Foley began, sitting down with Ramirez, Carmen, Dunn, and Jonathon. Exusiai sat next to Ramirez, Lappland joined Carmen with Texas going to try and mediate her behavior.

Lana was not allowed to join, but she was waiting patiently for her parents outside of the room with Ifrit and some other younger operators. Like Suzuran.

Dunn sat near Blaze, and he swears that he can feel Schwarz's presence behind him, making him shudder.

Kal'tsit watched as everybody settled down. The Doctor stood by her, with Amiya watching from the side with Rosmontis. The old lynx took a breather as the lights began to dim and the projector activates.

"Good Evening everyone," she looked around the room, "Sorry for alerting everybody on such a short notice, but this meeting is critical for our arrival in Victoria." Everybody began to lean in.

Kal'tsit began to fire up the information, "Yesterday, we finally have confirmation that Captain Rita Skamandros of the 2nd Tempest Platoon has been hit in what the Earthlings call a Danger Close artillery strike while trying to assist a Joint Strike Force dropship and crew within the city of Hillock."

A satellite map of the city, courtesy of the RAF, was then shown on screen. Where the dropship went down was circled in bright red, and everybody winced or stayed silent seeing the wreckage.

"Did she survive?" raised Captain Price. Kal'tsit looked over and gave a look. The Doctor and Pharmia looked at each other before the latter cleared her throat and responded.

"Unknown," she stated, "We were unable to get any more surveillance down there and by the time we did have some better eyes over the area, the former wreckage was completely overrun by Originium or debris."

"Bollocks..." a nearby Lieutenant commented, raising his hand, "So do we have anybody that is organizing a search party?"

"On the ground?" began the Doctor, "Yes we do." He pulls up some pictures.

"Sergeant Bagpipe, Lieutenant Colonel Edmund, and various British Army units are preparing a large amount of CRBNO units," he paused and looked at a US Commander. "Please elaborate what that is to some of the people here."

"Chemical, Radiological, Biological, Nuclear, and Originium units, guys and girls who are protected against such things," The commander sat back down, his arms crossed and looking at the pictures.

"Thank you, well," he continued, "These people are setting up a search party to find Captain Rita." He crossed his arms, "We also used some of the U.S.' communication technologies to alert our offices that are in County Hillock and they are preparing operators to get on the move as well."

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