Chapter 15

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[ == U.S. Government Intranet == ]

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[ Be advised, the PRC is also putting their own space stations in Terran Orbit, and there seems to be more. We count approximately 3 stations, but we are advised to not engage, such a direct confrontation would be a nightmare for both Washington and Beijing. ]
[ - [ ] JSF High Command - ]

[ New York City is once again open for business, but we have soldiers moving around, ensuring its safety, with Long Island and New Jersey having QRFs should something go wrong. ]
[ - [ ] Northeastern Command - ]


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"This is the USS Anchorage, we are tracking the signature of a large mass heading towards the island of Bermuda, originating around Johnson Deep, how should we respond, over?" The Captain of the nuclear submarine was staring at her sonar, fixing her glasses. In formation with the submarine was the Indiana and the Utah, both were keeping standard formation with the sub.

"This is the Pentagon, keep tracking it, we want to know if it's a Chinese Submarine or it's something else entirely."

"Roger that," and with that, the 3 Submarines continued on their merry way.

Sure that whatever that they were tracking, they could take it down with the torpedos and missiles they have onboard.

National Guard JLTVs and Cougars locked down a full 1.5 mile perimeter around the entrance to the shelter. 2 Strykers, outfitted with slat armor and flamethrowers for the weapon stations, rolled towards the district, pass the police and National Guard barricade.

"Alright, we know the deal," a squad leader declared, "Well we don't. You were all told that we were being deployed because of a bio-terrorist threat. Is that right?"

"Why's that sir?" Questioned one of the soldiers, checking their shotgun, "Why do we have incendiary weapons?"

"I'll tell you. 3 hours ago, after reports of a subject showing 'Life signs' began to air through the military networks down here, the whole station's communications blew up in screams and panic. 200 personnel went silent after that. Camera and audio recording equipment failed to report 10 minutes later."

"Our job is to go in to the district, figure out what is going on, and ensure that it stays out of the public."

"...guess that makes sense sir."

Additionally, the exoskeletons that the Army would usually have would be better suited to be lighter and more set to just supplement soldiers.

This version of the exoskeleton felt like Power Armor and well, it feels American, but it doesn't feel like it was manufactured by American means.

"We are well within reason to assume that we have a serious threat to burn and contain within this shelter, and we better be careful the second we get our asses in there to do our job."

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