Chapter 47

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[ == U.S. Government Intranet == ]

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"Too fast, for an old girl"

Where Allen was, it was dark.

He was standing, looking around, and focused on a target. There was a few sporadic bits of light that illuminated where he was.

He was sweating, tired, and sore.

But God, he will keep fighting.

He heard a noise come from his right, and he quickly swung around...

Allen blocked a hit from Maria using a shield that he got out of the storage room. "That's good, Maria!" he called out, blocking another hit from the Kuranta, "But try and think out of the box!"

He was not going to lie, he was having some fun fighting with Maria. This kid genuinely showed a lot of prowess, energy, and a tenacity that he found nowhere or matched anybody that is on his actual team.

These people ain't so bad after all... he felt that nearly-traitorous thought rush through his mind.

It didn't feel so traitorous now that he really thought about it.

"Okay!" Maria called back, as Allen suddenly felt her rush to an angle he did not expect.

High above and diving towards him. He quickly threw up his shield, as a mighty clang rang out.

The 2 stopped, breathing heavily. Allen began to chuckle, "Good job Maria, good job..." he wipes some swear off his face and places the shield on the ground, "You're definitely ready for the Major?"

The other's eyes sparkled at the prospect, "Really? You think I am mister?!"

Zofia nearby began to laugh and clap, approaching them. She smiled at Maria, "of course he does," she smiles at him now, which made Allen feel a little warm at the fact she believed that, "And I do believe that you are ready too!"

Earlier Allen and Zofia sparred, with Zofia showing Maria what exactly she can do, what she has to do when she was in one of the infamous "in the dark" situations that the major was famous for. Allen noticed that there was some off behavior as Zofia demonstrated, but he ignored it.

They both were pretty tired, and he knew that she can't last forever.

She snapped her fingers, and the darkness that once covered this area dissipated as a flood of light illuminated it and made everything within shine. He chuckles at the sight of Zofia and goes over to Maria, who was clearly tired.

She slowly starts going to the floor.

"Easy girl," Allen quickly goes over to Maria and helps her up, "Easy... you did good, you did a damn good job..." he gave a smile, something he thought he wouldn't so easily give these people a long time ago.

But now he was giving it as easy as if he was treating an old buddy or a friend.

Mentally it served him well, he has been rather isolated thanks to New York...

He shakes his head as he lifted Maria up, "Alright Zofia, let's go celebrate," he looks around to her, "After we get her all freshened up?"

"Of course!" Sofia excitedly responded, as Allen brought the knight into the locker room and allowed her to do her business.

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