Chapter 58

373 17 3

[ == U.S. Government Intranet == ]

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"Clouds unfold"

"Rocket is in the air..." a voice called out.

A flash in Texas was seen, before something began to speed towards the stratosphere.

"Tracking bogey..."

Satellites watched as the rocket passed by most of the satellites and space stations, and began to make way. Nothing was in its way. Only a few drones flew alongside it to ensure that its transport doesn't go awry.

There was a few transports that began to fly from Terra and was approaching the stratosphere of Earth. But they were quickly passed through and positively identified as Civilian-Loaded Transports.

For the rocket that flew from Texas...

"It's heading to Mars now, following the interstellar highway..."

"Now arriving at New Orleans International Airport..." Skadi woke up from her nap. One of the best she has ever taken. She began to stretch her arms, and let out a yawn. Her eyes opened to the sun bleeding in from the seat she was in.

She looked down at herself. Her new uniform was on and it was adorned with a bunch of holy scripture. She even had a rosary on, the one she was given.

In her lap was the small Bible that the Middletons gave her.  It was open and she had a book mark in one of the pages, somewhere close to the center of the book. She was reading the scripture quite a lot it even, it became somewhat a bit of an activity for her.

And not a thought about

Looking out, she saw the urban structures, and the Gaullian - Or French - infrastructure of the city. The few skyscrapers that stood, and the massive bridge connected the city to the northern shore.

She took a look to her right and saw Michael, who was firmly asleep in his uniform. In the row behind her was Ulpianus and Gladiia. Irene and Laurentina was in the row in front, and then Lumen and Smokton rested in a row somewhere to their right.

The airplane was full for Marines who were heading to Louisiana. Their objective here was to act as a welcome party.

In the gulf coast, the Aegirians who were sent down here flocked to the U.S. Naval Facilities along the shore, before being processed and prepped to head down into the new habitations along the shorelines of Alabama, Mississippi, Texas, and Louisiana.

While they weren't the Dome Cities that the Aegirians were used to, it was something to hold them over until more funding, resources, and a level of governance can arrive. It is expected that a few officials from the Aegirian government is going to set up here, granted due to restraints, their governance can only affect territories which were generously - and by that, Washington means territories that gradually served no more purpose - by the United States.

The Plane bumped, which gradually woke up Michael, especially as the plane began to roll on the ground once again. Marines in the back and around the middle began to complain about the arrival, especially about how it interrupted the precious time to sleep they had.

Skadi had an amused expression on her features, as her gloves began to reach for her beloved Marine. Shaking him, he took in a sudden, sharp breath before his eyes went wide, "Awh... shit we're here already?" Skadi giggled and nodded. He sighed, fixing some of his albino hair and looking out the window.

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