Chapter 60

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[ == U.S. Government Intranet == ]

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"Knight to Foxtrot-5"

Alexandrina grabbed a few more things to stock her Medical kit with. She looked at locker for a brief moment before punching the button and getting some more supplies out of it. She took a few breaths, before turning to Hannah.

The feline was grabbing a couple pieces of equipment that she believe would be necessary for whats coming.

"Vina," began the other. She held up some sort of weapon as well as a bunch of plastic explosives, "Do you think that this will all be necessary?"

The Aslan thought for a moment before grabbing some ropes and some tools, "Knowing where're we are going, anything that can help us get through what the regent has would be very useful." Hannah nodded and put a few of those explosives into a satchel.

There was a noise off to her left, and she peaked over, seeing Dagda and Morgan. The 2 were struggling to put on some of the tactical they were required to put on. One of them managed to get her gas mask bag tangled around her legs and the other somehow messed up her plate carrier.

Frustrating, Alexandria had to admit, but it was better than going in unprepared for what could be ahead. A few failures now could prevent a large scale catastrophe when the operation truly begins. The rest of Glasgow as still getting into their uniforms and grabbed the CBRNO kits and some weapons.

Every little bit helps them.

She heard a noise off behind her, and saw that a locker had swung close. She turned behind to see the person that was the cause of the disturbance. And saw the familiar Aslan boy there, finishing his cleaning and preparation of his tools.

The 2 stared at each other for a moment.

The Aslan woman wanted to say something, it was in the back of her mind and it has been lingering for a while. Even before he disappeared and even while the king was still in power...

Perhaps... not now.

Erick had begun to walk away - "Hey Dutley, there's a meeting..." "Thank you, sir" - and Alexandrina let her gaze linger after his retreating form. She took a few breaths, deciding that perhaps at a more appropriate time she can speak what she had to say.

The mention of a meeting elicited her to regain focus, and she was next to slam the armored locker shut.

"Alright, listen up," began a captain. Glasgow was gathered in the room. Dutley was near Hannah and Alexandrina, his arms crossed. Alexandrina and her group entered a few groups already had been presented to. She knows not who they were, but the names of Task Force 141, Metal Team, and the Rangers were brought up.

A decorated group if what I heard is correct.

The Aslan woman looked at the screen, which had a map of the city. The entire financial distract was marked in red. The Shard was marked with a massive, red A that was surrounded by a white circle. "That right there," began the captain in a very rough southern accent, "That is our target, the Shard of Londinium."

He turns to Alexandrina, "The regent has been building up what satellite images believe to be a massive air ship fleet. This is not the primary problem for us, however." He taps the Shard again, "What we are worried about is the act that we are detecting abnormal energy levels towards the top floor of the building." Alexandrina hummed in consideration.

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