Chapter 9

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[ == U.S. Government Intranet == ]


[ + ] - Neutral or outside information

[ ] - Government/Military Official

[ # ] - Personnel [ ACC. Code CIV ]

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[ Got people eager for the Re-opening of New York City, we should see heavy traffic heading back into New York in about 1-2 days. We are also leaving from all of our Central American states. Their development level is now more acceptable and they should be more self sufficient and secure than pre-occupation in the 2020s. ]
[ - [ ] Secretary of State - ]

[ The M1A5 has been renamed to the M5 Schwarzkopf, in honor of Herbert Norman Schwarzkopf Jr. May the tank carry his name with pride ]
[ - [ ] Department of Defense - ]

[ Speaking with the 4 Abyssal Hunters about something. Perhaps we can try and set up official diplomatic relations with the "Aegir" nation if what I am telling them could work ]
[ - [ ] Lieutenant General Ursula - ]

[ Our 5 esteemed companies from Columbia are now starting up their work, their offices are now running late into the night, and we have the Blacksteel and Rhine Lab workers and businessmen vying for some contracts to do anything. We can offer things to Raythean, but we need to bring the CEO of Raytheon over, they're going to find this shit hilarious. ]
[ - [ ] Mayor of Detroit, Sanchez - ]

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"Fine day over desks"

January 8th, 2056
November 9th, 1097

"Miss Tomimi," one of the guards protecting the chieftess called to her. She looked over at him, her tail whipping a little and an eyebrow raising at the business-suit officer of the United States Secret Service.

"What is it?" questioned she. Tomimi had been in Hawaii for a long while, enjoying her diplomatic stay while she can. It was something that she had never expected would ever happen to her, but she was not going to complain about the opportunity to learn a little bit more about these people that hailed from lands similar to Terra to an extent, but still so different in varying levels that she could barely count on her own 2 hands.

"We have to go," the guard started to gesture over to the door, "There is a new United Nations meeting for us to attend to, and it is imperative that we go." The sun was bleeding through the screens and the windows, shining a little on Ms. Tomimi. She smiled a little, and looked out towards the window and towards the city of Honolulu.

She stands, grabbing her staff, "Very well... if I must go, then I shall go." With a nod approving of her actions, the guard opened the door, revealing the other tribesmen and more agents, holding M5 rifles over their chests.

With little fanfare, she exited her room and began to walk on out with the group. The sounds of police sirens outside hinted at the diplomatic escorts every ambassador was receiving, ensuring their safe passage to the United Nations headquarters of Honolulu.

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