Chapter 28

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[ == U.S. Government Intranet == ]

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[ Request to investigate has been confirmed. Deploying assets via Freedom Star-11 to County Hillock. We are also going to launch an internal investigation to the region and to our bases. ]

[ Alongside that, we are also going to investigate Corporal Levi and his men. They have gone radio silent in Sargon and we fear the worst. ]


[ - [ ] Director of the CIA - ]

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You hear it, don't you Skadi?

The aforementioned Abyssal Hunter found herself within a familiar ocean. Floating, dressed in her bounty hunter clothing. She began moving around, hunting for the source of that voice.

"Hear what?" she decided to entertain the voice. The one that has haunted her ever since that great battle. The voice and urge she expends so much on suppressing. She swears in this vast, empty ocean, she can see it. She can see him.

Your fellow kin... out there, dying...?

"I hear little," she admits. She hasn't spent much time out in the waters, so she has no idea what He is going on about.

You will know it... eventually you will feel the pain and burn of your fellow kin die alongside you...

You will see...

A leviathan figure began to approach her from the dark, mouth open, and ready to consume her...

Skadi's eyes quickly opened. Not in any particular rush, but she felt the need to open her eyes as their method of transportation began to gradually slow down. They were on a transport variant of a vehicle called the HEMTT. She began to fully rise, off of Michael's shoulder. The marine was well and truly out.

Probably was probably exhausted. The Abyssal Hunter couldn't bring herself to blame him however. The ride was exhausting, and it was honestly more relaxing than she had expected.

She thought about the dream she had, momentarily of course.

She doesn't want to think or dwell too much on it. Skadi looked around, and saw Ulpianus at the edge of the vehicle, looking out the back, at the unfamiliar landscape of South Carolina. Skadi rousing from her sleep made him momentarily look back inside the vehicle, with Smokton's squad and the rest of the Abyssal Hunters.

They had to wait for a bit.

A couple of stops and some emergencies in Virginia and North Carolina slowed down their transit to South Carolina, so they were held back for a full day. It was understandable, so long as it didn't entirely stop them from reaching their destination.

Which they did, eventually.

At the same time, the first space ships with Aegirians and some of their construction materials began to land in Corpus Christi, Texas. From there, they can begin their slow migration into the Gulf Coast of the U.S.

The HEMTT gave a light lurch that awoke Michael, the rest of his squad, Specter, Lumen, Iren, and the rest. Skadi watched them all arouse from their sleeps while a marine, from the base, goes over to the back, and opens it up.

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