Chapter 38

378 17 7

[ == U.S. Government Intranet == ]

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[ Levi's bird has been identified, they are near the southern end of Sargon... suspicious. ]

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The helicopter thrummed around them. The soldier gripped his AK-12 tightly, turning it over, and inspecting it, making sure that it was in a good maintained state. He looked at his comrades all around him, peaking out the window of the MI-8 every so often.

Havoks were flying ahead of the wave of transports, ensuring that the risk to the first wave is as minimal as possible.

He was apart of the air assault into Neftekamsk, it's going to be hot if what intelligence from the front is telling them. Drones were getting shot down every time they entered the area and there was a confirmed presence of systems like the Pantsir-1 that was warding off most air strikes.

Transport helicopters might get engaged on the ground though.

Which is why the Russian government had to purchase and utilize a few American assets, such as the EC-37B Compass Call to disrupt enemy targeting and their acquisition. It's not a perfect system for the job, but it can disrupt the enemy communications just enough to allow the Russian helicopters and Havoks to start getting troops on the floor and for some hell to be raised.

The sound of bolts being charged and distance explosions was heard. The soldier could no longer hear the Havoks . If he peaked over, he would see that the attack helicopters have fully broken from formation and was now initiating their strikes.

He was not privy to their dance, only the people on the communications and the fellow pilots were privy to that.

He fet the MI-8 get rocked, "Oh-kay!" he took a breath, taking a small prayer, "It is almost hot drop, as the Americans would say!"

The other soldiers took their final breaths, as the helicopters began to lurch. Explosions began to be heard and the cacophony of gunfire began.

The wheels hit the ground, and soon did the boots as they began to split up. The Havoks were above them, flying about and dispensing autocannon fire and rockets into the buildings. Suppressing the enemy just enough so the freshly landed rifles can get themselves situated.

The MI-8s were rather quick to start leaving the moment some bullets flew towards them and broke a few cockpit glasses.

The rotorcraft began to leave, just before the melody of war intensified around the destroyed street and around the city.

"Private Bogdon!" he heard his name get called, "Get over here!"

Quickly, he began to stomp on over while his sergeant was gathering everybody else. "The enemy has split their forces into 5 centers around the city." He points at some of the few skyscrapers that were still standing amidst the war, "That is one of them."

"We are to break through this rubble-covered shitscape and destroy it, there is underground facility there," he added on. "Is simple mission, destroy everything before enemy reinforcements come and destroy our armor."

"Any questions?"

Bogdon said nothing, looking around his fellow soldiers. Up until one of the, simply lifted up their Saiga-12 and racked it. The sergeant chuckled and nodded, "Very good, now let us clean this city of the shit that is living in it."

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