Epilogue III - God Save the Queen

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Alexandrina was overwhelmed.

Though she handled the workings of Glasgow and is of the true Aslan Dynasty, there was so much voices, so much work, and so much tasks to balance.

The coronation was successful and everybody was enjoying the following party and event, speaking with and greeting the new Queen of Victoria.

Glasgow has been transformed into her personal protection unit. Supplementing the Royal Guards, but also supplementing the assigned British Royal Marines who were providing security for the event.

However, a person was noticeably absent from the festivities, and she was wondering where he was.

The Coronation was happening in a facility outside of the city due to the state of the infrastructure and the buildings. It was an old Noble's mansion, but it did the job, especially considering the circumstances.

She was allowed to break away from the party, after telling Hannah. The feline chuckles and gave her a nod, "Go ahead, your highness", she responded playfully, "We'll make sure that none of these rowdy nobles come and bug you, alright?"

"Thank you, Hannah," and the Aslan was off, moving in her elegant dress. After using her more tactical clothing for a longer period than dresses, it was rather obvious that she was having trouble adjusting.

But she digressed.

She starts walking the more empty halls of the mansion, passing by the occasional Royal Marine who was providing security. They always gave her a smile and a wave, or a salute in some cases, so she didn't mind them much.

"Where is he..." she silently uttered under breath. She was about to give up, when she saw a familiar, hooded shadow on the walls, coming from the balcony.

She starts heading over, holding up the dress a little to make her movement easier.

She finally arrived at the doorway of the balcony, which stared into the forests. "Erick," she began, taking only a few breaths as the hooded form turned to her.

He undid his hood, and let his Aslan features free, "Alexandrina..." she smiled softly and approached him.

"What are you doing out here?" She questioned, a little concerned but also a little curious.

"I..." he began, "I can't stay."

She sadness began to befall some of her features, causing her to step forward. She was about to reach out and speak with him, but he held up his hand. "But listen please," he began. She ceased her movement and she stood, patiently awaiting his explanation.

"I have to keep hunting," he began, looking into her eyes, and stepping forward, and going to her, "For reasons I... cannot fully explain."

He takes hold of her hands, and the boy looked up at the Aslan, "But I will promise you this," he started, looking into her eyes, "I will keep in touch, that I will promise."

"I can visit you, not too often, but I will visit, I can assure that too." She smiles, sighing as she took in his words.

He had a mission, and who was she to try and prevent him from trying to accomplish it? She grips his hands and began, "We will stay in contact, I will excitedly await the times that you will contact me once again and we can happily catch up on all that we have missed."

Erick listened and hears the words of her. He nods, accepting of the conditions. He was ready to start leaving, but he had momentarily paused, causing Alexandrina to look at him, "Is there something else that you would like to say-"

That is when he goes up and gives her a peck on her lips. Warmth flushed to the 2 for a brief and gentle moment, before he goes and holds to her.

Alexandrina blinked, before regaining control of herself and going to hug him tightly. They lingered for only a moment longer as he finally pulled away.

"Good bye, Alexandrina," he began, putting on his hood and giving her the liberty of seeing him smile once again. He starts going to the railing.

"Good bye, Erick," she began, "May we meet again." He nods, fully making sure his hood was on.

"Till the next time we meet and speak," and that is when he turned invisible, before going away.

Alexandrina gave a sigh, happily savoring the memory of the moment.

She sat there for a while, thinking of his words, when there was the sound of tactical boots in the hallway coming.

"Your highness?" A Royal Marine had spotted her, "Is everything alright?" She turned to him and gave a nod.

"Aye.. all is well," she responded, looking out once more. "All is well..."

She began to head back inside, to the party which was still going without fail.

The duties of being a royal will soon be upon her, but knowing that every so often she will be rewarded by his voice or by his presence?

It is all she needs to get through the unbearable.

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