Chapter 24

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[ == U.S. Government Intranet == ]

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[ Most nations are understanding of our use of a nuclear weapon and find it absolutely justified considering the extreme circumstances. ]

[ Also, the Doctor has a badge from WHAT ]
[ - [ ] Secretary of State - ]

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"Escape from Londinium"

"Task Force 141, requesting a situational report, over."

"I think it's gone a bit tits up!" Price responded to the questioning British voice over his communicators. The sound of his MK.17 roared, alongside the suppressed noises of SMGs. His fellow 141 had to move from the base that they were originally occupying. There seemed to have been some sort of activation of Anti-Air like systems in Londinium, as now their supply, usually dropped in by air, as them getting blown out of the skies was increasingly becoming a common sight for the elite soldiers.

"Yeah we can tell," the voice on the other end responded sarcastically, "Listen, do you folks think that you can hold on for a little while longer? We need confident intelligence in the capabilities of our enemies, and your fighting is the thing delivering the best intel we can get-"

Somebody got on the communications, an annoyed English voice who sounded absolutely livid and exhausted, "Yeah well, you wont be able tog eat any more intel if we are all dead! We're nearly dry on all of our ammunition and we don't want to find out what happens if we do!"

"Please be on stand by, we are planning to get you people out of there now."

"Roger..." Price responded, closing his comms and looking over at the owner of the voice, "Really Roach?"

"What man?" He looks back at his captain, "I've run out of ammo on almost all of my guns, and I'm down to the idea of being able to head to County Hillock!"

"I know, I know..." he pinched the bridge of his nose, while it sounded like the Kazdel forces outside have come to a stop. "Remember what we signed up for, and remember what we trained for, alright?" Roach grumbled, nodding along as he goes to see if there's some ammo he can grab. Price moved over to get a fresh new cigarette and began to puff it.

The late afternoon sun was upon them, and the horrific sounds of Kazdel occupied Londoninium filled their ears. They have done several missions to penetrate deep into the city, but almost always was pushed back by some creature larger than what their weapons, and even some Anti-Tank munitions like the NLAW could handle.

That alone made many 141 worry, and despite the fact they are some of the best that NATO could offer, this was something that discouraged most actions that they were here to accomplish. And that was a problem, for intelligence was no longer reliably flowing back to command.

Not to mention the sheer and utter exhaustion from fighting an endless enemy for days and days on end is eventually starting to wear out the poor forces. Price puffed his cigarette and tossed it aside, seeing it utterly finished and close to burning his mouth, "'nough of that..."

He listened to his communicator, just incase that the thing rang again and they would be summoned by some commanders.

Price was right.

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