Chapter 8

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[ == U.S. Government Intranet == ]


[ + ] - Neutral or outside information

[ ] - Government/Military Official

[ # ] - Personnel [ ACC. Code CIV ]

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[ New York City is almost cleaned up, the state itself still has a lot of Originium, but Manhattan Island and the surrounding area has been cleaned up. We do need to re-promote the city as safe again, and start slowly letting people in. Naval Traffic and all sonar activity are expected to be at its lowest this week as we do the last preparations. ]
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] The United States Coast Guard and the United States Navy.

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"And now a word from the folder"

The whirr of a GE T901A2 awoke Ch'en out of her daze. She began looking around her environment, hearing now the rushing of boots, and the start up of similar turbine engines. She felt the sun slowly come down, leaving a pleasant screen of warmth on her, a contrast to the cold. She gripped her suitcase, filled with the things she needs, as well as lightly grip the pair of sunglasses and the baseball cap that she was given, her swords rested in her sheaths at her sides. Blocking the sun a little, she allowed the details of this little staging point finally come to her.

Sierra Armored Company Team.

Daniel's unit.

"Ch'en!" Daniel called, lazing about by the back side of his tank. His crew was already inside, and every other personnel was closing up their hatches. The Lung smiled, and began to head on over, her suitcase dragging along a little. The sight of which causing Daniel to smile and laugh a little, "Wowee you must be happy to see us!" the Lung came to up to him, smiling and breathing heavily from the short sprint she just did.

"That I am," she sets the suitcase down, as Daniel began to open up the Crab door with the turn of a lock. It opened wide, and allowed Ch'en to peer into the large backside of teh armored vehicle. One of the storage units was wide open. Perfect size for the Lung's suitcase and the contents inside.

Chuckling Daniel ushered her in, "Come on now, we got a few tasks to do before we begin the long drive to Columbia." With a bit of a smile, Ch'en got on in, Daniel crawling on behind, "Imma head up to the front, you..." he turns around and grabs a clear plastic package with some clothing inside. The Lung took the package and looked it over, Daniel spoke again, "...need to change into your Tanker Uniform. You can keep your jacket on, just put on the uniform." He shrugs, "It's a safety precaution and I can't say anything against it."

The Turbine engine was muffled well in its decently sized compartment, Ch'en was able to clearly hear what he was saying. She gave a nod, and smiled, "Alright, give me some privacy, will you?" With a thumbs up and a smile, Daniel began opened up the hatch in the basket that lead tothe turret. Although a moment later, he was heard yelling, "Oh come on guys, very funny!"

The hatch closed a moment after, leaving Ch'en to her thoughts. The Crab door had whirred shut. Taking the time, Ch'en began to put on the tanker's uniform. Undressing a bit, she began to slowly slide all of the bits. 

Within a few minutes, she had put on the Tanker Uniform, pleasantly surprised at the fact that it pretty much fit her. "And they didn't have to measure me up..." she muttered, setting her clothes away, although holding on to her Jacket and throwing it over her new uniform. She put all of her stuff all nicely locked  up in the little storage container she had, and began to head over to the Turret Basket, the whirring of the engine fading as she opened it up.

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