Chapter 46

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[ == U.S. Government Intranet == ]

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"Sly Fox..."

The sun in Kazimierz was slowly disappearing from the horizon, leaving a beautiful, golden hue across the sky with pink highlights that only elevated its beauty.

The city has come back to life, lights excitedly

"This man came from this location..." Liskarm began. In her lap was a computer. Service one that she was given by BSW.

It wasn't Military-Grade like the Earthling equipment is, but for what it is, it was able to easily infiltrate into the Kawalerielki's security network.

Franka held to the pictures of the MP5 and smirked at them. They couldn't just take the weapon, so they snapped a few pictures, put everything back, and left the training center as quickly as they could.

Which was good, cause they would have been caught if they lingered for too long.

Liskarm was able to gain access to some street cameras and began to track where Allen came from, starting from the Cafe, and trying to use the the street cameras to pinpoint where he came from.

He was an American, they don't have local facilities here, but Franka has the suspicion that there is a safe house somewhere that allowed him and any other people he had with him to do... whatever they were doing here in Kazimierz.

"Here," stated Liskarm, "Somewhere in the industrial district." She began, pointing at the screen. She had followed the footage all the way from the start point, the Cafe and made sure to trace everything she can.

And now they had narrowed down his possible safehouse.

Franka looked at the screen and licked her lips, Oh I'm having fun with this~

By goodness why is Franka like this?!

Liskarm sighed, and closed the laptop. Franka began to start the car, which hummed to life, "Time to go pay Allen's home a little visit~" The Vouvire shuddered very, very afraid for Allen.

He may be an American that is here for whatever purposes, she looks at Franka who had a look in her eyes, as she brought the vehicle into the streets, But I fear for whatever sanity he has once she gets her paws on him...

Franka and Liskarm continued down the road. Liskarm began to load her pistol and her magazines. Franka's thermite rapier remained at her side, the vehicle still accelerating through the streets.

Finally, the vehicle began to roll to a stop, and Liskarm faced her door intently. They had to stop outside of the facility because there may or may not be one sort of surveillance equipment within that safe house.

Which means that trying to infiltrate without them being detected was going to be a challenge.

It's probably secured by some cameras, or there is a chance that there is somebody here on guard, waiting for an unknown stranger to waltz on in and be captured.

Who knows.

Franka got out of her seat and produced her Thermite sword. Liskarm got out of the passenger side and had her pistol up and ready. "Clear..." the Vouivre started. Franka began to take point, looking around.

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