Chapter 64

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[ == U.S. Government Intranet == ]

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"On the Tactical Map!"

Ramirez held to his weapons tightly, thinking silently.

He already said his goodbyes to Lana back at Rhodes Island, and left her under the care of some operators back at the base. He had to leave her behind for what was coming.

After giving the little Lupo a kiss on her head and one long hug from him and Exusiai, the 2 allowed some caring figures to watch over Lana.

Until the operation was done.

They found themselves in helicopters flying towards Londinium, units split up as much as possible. While SEAD operations were mostly successful, it's hard to do SEAD on things that don't give off too much signatures that HARMs or IR can detect.

There still could be guns that were hidden in the city, and that makes it more difficult to make any safe landings. No landing could be easily identified as safe as there could be some gun hidden.

"Hah..." Exusiai next to him racked her SMG and looked out the digital windows that the V-22 had. This one was lent over by the JSF for its speed and maneuverability, which is what's needed.

Right now, he was in a bird with Texas, Lappland, and Carmen. The rest of Penguin Logistics and Hunter 2-1 were in other V-22s flying alongside V-44s and lots of lighter and heavy helicopters.

"Alright... alright..." he let out, racking his gun as well, before looking at his Angel. She looked up at him with a confident look in her eyes, as well as a soft smile. "You ready Exia?" he questioned, causing her to giggle.

"I'm always ready," Ramirez moved to plant a kiss on her head. The 2 settled into their seat, now looking out of the window into cloudy, gloomy skies and the massive flight of birds that were still on their way to the battle zone.

They were a mile away from Londinium, and the pilots began to report that they can see the work of the Echo squadron on the outside walls and the artillery platforms.

Just then, one of the V-22s that were up close to the walls got hit RIGHT in the cockpit. "Oh shit, Goose 3's down!" a pilot called out, as the V-22 began to crash into the walls, before going to hit the slums.

"Lost several reserves and we lost a squad of marines in Goose 3-" the Pilot had to suddenly jerk the bird. Ramirez and Exusiai held tightly, as Texas held tightly to her seat, Lappland close going to her.

Outside the window the weather was becoming increasingly worse, and there was massive meteors that were starting to descend from the very darkened skies.

A V-44 carrying tanks got hit and it was being sent to the ground. A few V-22s had to swerve out of the way. A Deviant was hit and was utterly smashed under the force of a giant asteroid coming down on them.

There was an impact against one of the wings, and that made Ramirez's blood run cold, "Awhhh shit-" he let out, before another impacted against the other wing followed and the V-22 started to go down.

Exusiai held to him tightly, as the bird they were on barreled towards the ground. Her halo still glowed brilliantly, but it wavered as the bird began to scrap against some homes - utterly destroying them in some cases - before sliding against the ground.

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