Chapter 67

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"Squadron Leaders, fire at will"

"Follow my lead," began the lead F-22 again. He was looking at the Giant airships, this time with massive amounts of Anti-ship weapons and JDAMs. They were joined by more F-35s and plenty of Russian aircraft.

Each of them stared down at the massive radar signatures and was warming their weapons up to have some damn fun. "Alright everybody," the lead called out, "pick your targets, we're bringing their fleet down."

The F-22s and F-35s got into position, each of them able to see their target much more clearly now. Their radars were clear, and their infrared was perfectly detailing every section of them now, especially as the weather over the city began to clear up as the Shard lost power.

"Echo 2-3, Fox 1!" came one of the pilots, as missiles began to fly, and soar towards the Airships.

"Echo 1-2, Fox 1!" was another as more missiles began to fly. They found their radar contacts and they soared to them. Though normally these missiles don't use Radar tracking, a quick modification back at base allowed them to do so.

And they were all heading towards those Airships which have claimed so many lives already.

They had little to no countermeasures other than the wall of drones that were up and trying to block the incoming missiles with their small bodies.

To no avail as the missiles just pummeled through the drones.

And the first air ship was impacted all over the front and all over the sides. The ASMs working their magic as the airship lost control, "Holy shit, splashed one!" the lead F-22 got visual confirmation from ground assets, who watched as an Airship began to plummet into the eastern slums of Londinium.

The giant warship began to penetrate through the ground partially, before finally going up in flames and ultimately killing everybody onboard.

"Good kill, vector and take out the rest of them!"

"Roger that!" a few F-35s moved into position before their bays opened and sent missiles.

The Airships started firing weapons back at the planes, but the distance and the fact that they are not guided makes it incredibly more difficult.

There was no Shard to defend them for now, and that means that for now, they are left to the mercy of the United Nation's air forces.

The Su-57s that came up began to also deploy missiles, splashing several more of Theresis's Air fleet.

Each ship that came down did more harm to the enemy than anticipated, as they caused massive fires in various areas of the city where most of the Military Commission was either fighting or setting up.

"Whoo, burn fuckers, burn!" a pilot cheered as she flew over an airship that was crashing into a park within the financial district. The lead F-22 circled around the city who's clouds began to clear, yet gave way to pillars of smoke from the airships that had descended upon Londinium in sheets of flame.

"Keep splashing these fuckers!" another pilot yelled, "This is one hell of a goddamn turkey shoot, ladies and gentlemen!" another missile went flying, and it impacted an airship right where it was powered, sending it to the ground as it lost the things that were keeping it up.

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