Chapter 35

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[ == U.S. Government Intranet == ]

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[ Joint Chiefs of Staff has approved the notion of having a Major Attack Option directed to the Seaborn. The exact details are being discussed. As for the situation off the east coast, I want as many anti-ship weapons on the barrier islands facing the Atlantic as soon as possible. I've also been told to build more churches of the Abrahamic faith along the coast? Well, if it helps with National Security, then I'll divert some funds. ]


[ - [ ] President Hawthorne - ]

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Cards in play

January 16th, 2056
November 17th, 1097

Allen woke up at 0500 in this city. He quickly shuffled out of bed and planted his feet on the floor of the safe house. The sun was ever so slightly peaking over the horizon and the skyline of the city.

Admittedly, the view looked nice and the city, if he didn't remember that he was on Terra, looked reminiscent of a run-of-the-mill metropolis back at the states. A skyline littered with skyscrapers, towers...

Rings several bells, back to Ol' New York when she was okay.

He stopped and began to grab his actual phone, booting it on. He takes a good look at the wallpaper, spending a moment. It was a picture of himself, and Alexei. He paused, wondering to himself, How is that kid doing? Hope Uncle Sam's taking good care of him till this mission is done.

He looked over at his wardrobe and his accessories. He needed to wear them extra tight today. Meeting with Zofia again, before going out and training Maria. As he began to grab his kit, make some new arrows from the supplies given, and start making himself something to drink during that entire training session, Allen will not lie that deep down, he had a bit of excitement being able to go down and use his skills.

While it wasn't combat like he so desired, it was truly better than just sitting around for a long period and letting all of his skills go to waste.

That would be a big no-no.

He sets away many of the equipment that was strewn out. The team already left early, they had a mission to conduct espionage on another area of the city and infiltrate the Kazimierz General Chamber of Commerce. Preferably during or before the Kazimierz Major is when they plan to fully launch that mission, they are focused at the moment of primarily getting all of the preparations and plans done.

Sounds exciting and easy enough, but that may not be the same case when the actual missions is executed, perhaps something goes wrong in the planning or the execution. Something that General Shepherd doesn't want.

He's going to check in tomorrow to see how the operation is going. And Allen hopes that he makes some incredible process before that meeting, cause Shepherd does have a patience limit and he expects a good report when he does get it.

Allen hopes that his training doesn't fail him now.

The sun began to peak through the curtains and he looked out, taking a sigh. It felt relaxing to feel its warmth, despite him being on another planet. It felt relaxing and comforting. Allen puts on the false horse tail Andy he false horse ears, fixing it and ensuring that it was on tight.

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