Chapter 59

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[ == U.S. Government Intranet == ]

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"In the Purifying Heart is our trust"

The pod has went pass Mars by now. Computers calculating the most effective and most efficient routes have allowed it to continue its path. Onboard, the precious container glowed with energy.

Furious, light blue energy.

It wanted to break free, nothing felt familiar to it.

But the device next to it hummed away, a ticking time bomb.

The final execution for a god.

It was set to detonate when it got to the designated area.

And the rocket was destinated to stay on its path

"Any station, any station, this is the USS San Antonio," suddenly broke through the radio waves, "I've got sonar and radar contact on a bunch of Seaborn creatures that are approaching the coast of Texas, requesting Ground Forces and any nearby Coast Guard asset to supplement defensive measures there now-!"

"Any station, any station," another voice range out, "This is Jasckonville AFB, I've got pilots who are reporting strange movement in the skies and I have swarms of unidentified, biological forces heading our way. What's our preferred plan of action in response to the tangos, over?!"

"This is NORCOM, the President has authorized a DEFCON 2 readiness state, and issued an executive order to bring you all active," another voice - firm, authoritative - entered the radio waves and began to direct, "Get your guns, get your tanks, get everything active, we're going to be in for one hell of a fight across the Gulf Coast."

"General Quarters, General Quarters. All hands man your battle stations..." was heard through the USS George Washington. Pilots rushed from their quarters and made way to the deck.

Throughout the tight hallways that was the mighty aircraft carrier's, sailors and various other personnel hurried to varying positions. They hadn't been expecting that anything would happen down here, but they were deployed by the President herself - who for the record, is still in Columbia.

Now they can see why, especially when they were being faced with an unprecedented emergency.

Pilots quickly got into their F-35Cs, and were requesting clearance for launch. Pre-flight checks were being conducted at a rapid pace.

Runway crews and Marines were running around. A loud blaring siren was heard from not only the carrier, but from the surrounding ships. A few destroyers that were upfront was shooting their CIWS and cannons, some of them into the water.

There were torpedoes being launched, and searchlights going across the surface of the ocean.

Helicopters, some outfitted for Anti-Submarine Warfare, began to take off and strafe the waters. Sonars began to blare at full power and there was even some crews grabbing weapons or oil drums and sending them over the water.

Below the surface, Attack Submarines launched torpedoes, charges, and focused their sonar on larger scale targets.

"Don't let any more of them through!"

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