Chapter 17

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[ == U.S. Government Intranet == ]

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[ Data has been retrieved. We are locking down Atlanta. ]
[ - [ ] Department of Justice - ]

[ Picking something up on Sonar, bearing north... it's pass New Jersey and is off the coast of New York City?! Mobilize the Coast Guard and get anybody in Long Island and New Jersey active now! ]
[ - [ ] Northeastern Command - ]

[ What did we just say? We're going to mobilize all nearby Marine Units and whatever Army units are nearby. Anchorage, Utah, and Indiana were apparently in pursuit of whatever this thing is. ]
[ - [ ] Department of Defense - ]

[ That thing is off the coast- Wait, is it breaking apart? ]
[ - [ ] Captain of the USS Anchorage- ]

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"Black Tuesday"

"Terrans... I swear... they and the whole lot of them will be the end of us all..." Joseph Allen muttered again. He was on a new Defiant, with the rest of his team. They were speeding towards New York City. More specifically Atlantic City. His team, though silent, fundamentally mirrored what he was saying in their own thoughts.

That all of their current problems and anguish is coming from Terra and Terrans. For Allen, he had some personal beef with the whole planet and all of her inhabitants. He will not forget the day he and his squad all came flying from an Anti-Terror deployment back to New York just to see it all covered and ruined in spikes.

Those godforsaken Originium spikes. They don't belong here, and yet there they were, growing from the buildings and from the people of New York like they owned the damn place.

Allen took a deep breath, trying not to let the memory of running back into the apartments get back to him. Not letting the memory of scrambling through the halls come to him, fighting weird slugs. Opening the door to his apartment and seeing...

A bit of turbulence stopped them. And a chirp on their communicator started, "Gentlemen," he muttered, "It's the old General." They all straightened up in attention, and tapped their ear pieces. Also going to his own, Allen tapped his communicator and answered, "Yes sir?"

"Allen," came a familiar, roughened voice, speaking from some secure communicator in the Pentagon, "Already on your merry little ways to New York, correct?"

"Yes sir, boarded another bird, and heading towards where we need to go. New Jersey."

"Good... Handle things there masterfully, and perhaps we can get a little more power."

Allen chuckled and so did a bit of his own men, "We like the sound of that sir, what's in store?"

"Well, knowing you, if it helps us in my group get us out of Terra and even start... 'Repaying' them, then you certainly can be happy."

"That... that is correct... haaa..." Allen exhaled, "We're approaching the area, out."

"Good luck, Soldier."

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