Chapter 23

588 23 11

[ == U.S. Government Intranet == ]

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[ Satellites are having problems trying to identify what is happening on the Northern end of terra. we are planning to send some drones and balloons to see if we can get some more up close and personal images and videos of what is going on up there. ]
[ - [ ] Secretary of Defense - ]

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"Nonspecific Guitar Riff"

Was I nervous? Geoffrey the swordsman questioned, sitting in a waiting room with all of his comrades. There was nobody else in here, but they said they should be expecting some lawyers.

"Yeah, I'm nervous," admitted a caster nearby, reading up on some paper. She was shaking a little, but she was told to remain calm. And she was doing her best to distract herself with reading.

The butcher that Geoffrey was good friends with was busy chewing on some snacks that he was able to get.

The rest sat patiently here, or in the cells back at the prison they were staying at, watching the television. "Think there'll be an easy way out of this?" A former crossbowman questioned.

Geoffrey shook his head, "Hell no, I don't think there'll be an easy way out."

After word that the Reunion on Terra fell apart, things somewhat lightened up for them. But then they remembered what that single butcher has costed them, when they landed in that city.

They want to go home and be free after this whole ordeal, and they were praying on the lawyers they were given be able to accomplish that.

A door opened, catching all of their attention. "Hey hey, are you the folks that we're supposed to be fighting for?" Came a middle aged man, stepping through in a briefcase and in a fine suit. His hair combed to one side, and wearing a friendly, New Mexican look. "Where's Geoffrey? I need to speak with him."

"Who are you?" A bored caster questioned, setting down a paper that she was writing on. The man looked over at her and sets down his brief case, seeing Geoffrey and gesturing him over.

"Typically I do lawyer work for some coffee and chips shop out there in Albuquerque," he began to introduce himself, "but I am skilled enough to handle some very damning cases, such as this one."

Geoffrey went over to him, "Are you the lawyer that the attorney assigned to us?"

"That is correct my man," he outreaches his hand, "Saul Goodman, at your service."

Slowly, Geoffrey took his hand out and shook it. After the handshake, Saul opened his briefcase and began to read, "You folks by far are going to be the biggest case in the history of the world." A cold sweat began to run across everybody in the room, "United States V. Reunion, that's what this case is officially designated as."

He sets down a piece of paper and taps on it, "Now as a lawyer, I am going to fight for your freedom, or at the very least, fight for something light." He leans back, "I know for a fact you people are not stupid, and the military has probably already terminated the ones that were going all in on the bloodshed, so," he looks at Geoffrey, "Just let us lawyers do the talking, and don't say anything that would potentially incriminate you."

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