Chapter 69

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"The Londinium Gambit"

Alexandrina and Erick travelled along the streets, which gradually became more clear of debris, but the opposite can be said when it comes to encountering the Military Commission. There was plenty of them down these streets, some of them leaking out of the buildings or the sewers.

Most of them were monstrous amalgamations, mixes of metal and flesh anyways, so they were either swiftly dealt with by the hands of either of the 2 Aslans, or Glasgow that was approaching with some Marines.

There was only about 7 more blocks before the grand park that surrounds the houses of Westhalag. The Regent was reportedly there according to whatever UN intelligence that can be delivered to them immediately.

Admittedly it was good, they at the very least knew that he was potentially surrounded and stuck on the surface.

And that they knew where he was.

Problem is, just trying to distance strike him - artillery, air strikes, or anything similar - was facing incredible difficulty trying to get a munition in his area.

So Glasgow and the others began to converge on foot. Alexandrina was joined by Ramirez and Exusiai from another unit, the 2 rushing along heading to the houses of Westhalag. The 4 led the charge as the tank behind them as well as the rest of Glasgow and some Marines approached.

They were finally able to see the park, since it was somewhat clearly marked by a bunch of royal signs and the corruption that the Regent has unleashed. The clocktower of Westhalag was just a little bit further.

"Come on..." Ramirez began, pushing up with Exusiai, the 2 moving in sync and close to each other while keeping their guns ready to start blasting the hostiles that did come their way. Mostly casters, some regular soldiers too with swords or crossbows.

Erick swiftly followed, turning invisible once again and chugging along, occasionally tossing canisters into the enemy. Each one opened and let loose a sudden cloud of sand and dust, disorienting some of the casters which gave Hannah and Dagda the window to suddenly pounce and slash many of them.

"Get her!"

Alexandrina was no different for as a group of enemy swordsmen began to rush her, she swiftly began to deal with them.

She began to swing her hammer, knocking one off of their feet and slamming it down on their head. She didn't let it linger for long as another swung to slash her, which she quickly parried with her hammer. A metal clang rang out, slightly rattling her, but she recovered faster than he did as she was able to rear her weapon back and hit him in the gut, before sending him to the floor.

She took care of the last one by ramming her hammer into the side of his arm, before hitting him again in the leg. He was immobilized.

The Marines will deal with him later.

Everybody ahead had mopped up the enemy and the rush to the houses of Westhalag only grew more intense. Fires in the Londinium slums had grown more intensely and smoke began to choke the city more.

In the distance, massive explosions were heard, as well as tons of debris going into the sky. Erick and Alexandrina turned to face the distance, where the Shard was being pummeled with explosions. Both by bombers that had flown over and deployed an incredible amount of JDAMs, and by a few sources outside the city.

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