Chapter 57

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[ == U.S. Government Intranet == ]

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"Bow of burning gold"

The morning had come, and on the runway of Fort Indomitable, V-22s were firing up, alongside a few smaller British Army helicopters. Some V-44s carrying Ajaxs and Challengers began to get ready. They were all modified for the mission that was coming, sealed and given engineering equipment and pioneer kits.

Within moments, they were up in the air. A flight of transports speeding towards Hillock.

Details on what exactly

"Ready luv?" Edmund began. The British man was in tactical gear and was busy putting on his helmet. Bagpipe gave a nod. She looked around around the V-22 she was in.

"I'm ready, Leftenant," she responded, her back and head against the

Unsurprisingly, it was a mix of British and Victorian. Most of them were her own unit, as well as some remnants of 2nd Tempest Platoon, ready to get in there and deal with the Dublinn present and to get their Captain out of there.

Her Gunlance was at her side, but in her arms was an L85, in a small, carbine format. She looked at Edmund, who tapped his magazine against his helmet, before going to grab some CBRNO equipment and started to get it on.

He tentatively began to place it on Bagpipe as well, ensuring that the Vouivre had it on correctly. She was complying, but she was confused, "Why do we have to wear this again?" Edmund gave a sigh and made sure that the mask rested tightly and firmly against the face of the Vouvire.

His gloved hands somewhat rubbed against Bagpipe's cheeks, as he finally got the mask on right, "Because these," he points to the mask, "help protect us against various hazards, and I'm sure that operating in Originium infested zones are ill-advised."

The Vouvire tilted her head and let it process. Edmund chuckled and patted her on the arm, "Just follow our lead, boys and girls, and we'll be swell and happy." He sat back against the V-22's walls and he sighed.

"Swell and happy huh?" Bagpipe questioned, holding the rifle up and looking it over.

Training had gotten her used to the British Rifle.

But man was it still something to get used to. The V-22 continued on. The Morning light leaking through the glistening windows. There was a dew that had fallen upon the base this morning, and the windows glistened with the wetness.

Hillock was gradually coming in sight and my word was Bagpipe and Edmund was depressed by what they are seeing. The city was scarred by the prior battles.

But it was furthered ruined by the growth of Originium all over various areas. Where once residential zones existed, where once a wealthy downtown was, there existed the infamous crystal which had threatened this planet for as long as History existed.

And the V-22s were now beginning their descent. Edmund began to hold on.

His bird was going to land him, Bagpipe, and a platoon of British-Victorian soldiers around where there was the drop ship. And hopefully they can find Captain Horn and the remaining stranded personnel.

But they have to be quick.

The V-22s began to raise their propellers and slowly come down, the other helicopters to land at various other areas. They were on a time limit. This operation needs to be finished in 6 hours. There was high amounts of Originium in various areas of the city, and none of the personnel wanted to linger long enough to be infected if their equipment gets damaged.

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