Chapter 18

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[ == U.S. Government Intranet == ]

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[ Large Scale Aggressor in New York harbor! Bring that bitch out into the open water and we can blast that fuck with as many Torpedos as we carry! ]
[ - [ ] Captain of the USS Anchorage- ]

[ What the fuck do you mean you want us to establish Diplomatic relations with Aegir?! We're Marines, not beltway pansies in an office! ]
[ - [ ] Sergeant Smokton - ]

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"Black Tuesday"

"Approaching New Jersey sir-!" The Pilot of the Defiant called to his passengers, "by the looks of things, we just entered the 9th circle of hell!" Allen looked forward,  stepping next to the pilot, bringing him in view of the New York Skyline. A storm has kicked up, and the incredible light pollution of New York was in full swing, illuminating the massive city.

That was not the only thing illuminating New York, as there was also the swarms of Attack Helicopters, Drones, and rockets that were also shining throughout the city. The conflict against whatever the fuck that they were dealing with in New York was not known to a majority of the forces here, and as such, was fighting to the best of their ability.

"That big motherfucker is coming towards Central Park!"

"We got a few Armored Combat Teams and Attack Helicopter Squadrons ready to light its ass up like the 4th of July!"

Allen clenched his fist, "General," he opened his secure communications, "Got any idea on what exactly we are dealing with here?"

A cough came from the other end, followed by the same old voice, "They are an aquatic threat known as the Seaborne, according to what I can scrounge from our Terran Ecology dossier. Hyper adaptive and can evolve very quickly, very dangerous, and very invasive, these things can absolutely wreck ecosystems on Planet Earth, and absolutely will fuck over the economies that we hold dear to if we do not react accordingly."

"How they got to Planet Earth is beyond them, but some of them are thinking that whole fiasco of 2043 might have something to do with it. Remember how there was no sea food for a full month? How the fish barely came into any of our rivers?"

"Terrans... fucking Terra..." Allen muttered, before opening his microphone again, "Alright, thank you sir, we are going to join up with the various teams trying to assist in the defense here, over and out."

"Good luck."

The Defiant pulled over the Manhattan bridge, where convoys of the U.S. Military and American Militias began to rush towards the island, itching to get some action. Allen will not lie, he is looking for some action too, and being able to directly fight some of the fucks that came from the planet that has ruined everything he has held dear.

Well, it's an opportunity that he simply can't refuse now, can he?

Some Abrams began to set up on the Bridge, opening fire at the waters where some large floating ones started to rise up, and spitting at exposed soldiers and fighters.

Infantry dismounted and moving alongside police, armed civilians, and militia, rushing to protect whatever they had. This was their home and their proudest city, and they'd be damned if it fell again.

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