Chapter 52

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[ == U.S. Government Intranet == ]

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[ 3 More transports full of Aegirians are now on their way to the Gulf Coast. The habitat down there was slowly growing and we already have those in Texas, Lousiana, and many of the sun belt states who want to open up business and trade with them. We hope that this is the start of a brand new future for not only them, but for Earth too. ]

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"... and may He liberate you"

Skadi's eyes opened.

She felt lighter than air.

There was a blurry feeling obscuring her sight.

But she fully gained it when music began to flow. Holy singing that she was not used to.

But it fully warmed her, and she found herself back. Back in what looked like the skyscape she found herself within back when she was at Michael's side in the hospital.

Praying with his parents.

The clothing has also come with her, and she was now wielding the staff she had the first time within her right hand.

The landscape already began to warp

"YOU HAVE RETURNED" she heard the loud, jarring voice call to her. She was still unnerved but she was not immediately repulsed by the loudness and authority. She looked up at the Angel that has come to guide her once again.

"I was swift to return, the American Congress was the only thing that slowed me," she admitted to the celestial and impossible being. The thing let loose what she can only describe as a hum.


"I see.." Skadi had no what it meant by that.

Suddenly, there was a surge and music began to fill the soundscape. The holy music that she was hearing before. "THEY SING TRUE WITH THEIR SOULS" the voice called out, before the massive form began to move.

"Where are you going?" the Orca questioned. And that's when she felt unimaginable pain wash over her. She let out a low moan of pain, gripping the staff tightly, before relaxing and looking up.


That simple commandment caused Skadi's mind to whirl, as she felt more pain. It was then coupled by a sensation she cannot describe. The type of something being extracted out of her, while every nerve of hers was on fire.

"What is..." Skadi began to utter, starting to walk around.

A part of the peaceful sky that made up the skyscape that she was in was now alight with colors and thunder. No longer was it fluffy white clouds of peace, serenity, and purpose.

It was now greyish, roaring storms. The type that would be present in a hurricane. Skadi looked below her. The invisible platform that held her up and allowed her to walk with this Angel in her mind was now feeling wetter, like rainwater has finally come to her.

She began to limp, following the Angel.

The roars and thunder continued, and she began to go through the clouds. She was using the staff, glowing beautifully with power, as a bit of a crutch as she feels extreme pain in her legs. More water began to cover her legs, and it made her very, very worried.

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