Chapter 16

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[ == U.S. Government Intranet == ]

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[ Things are going smoothly, civilians are slowly trickling back in ]
[ - [ ] Northeastern Command - ]

[ Sorry to sound unprofessional, but you just jinxed us ]
[ - [ ] Department of Defense - ]

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"Still tracking this thing, it.. seems to be heading further north."

"Track it, if it IS heading towards the Northeast, then we are dealing with a definite Chinese submarine."

"That wouldn't explain why it slipped through our defenses and sensors sir, it came from the Brownson Deep," reasoned the captain of the Anchorage, "and unless there's a tunnel to that god forsaken abyssal zone, I don't think anything is coming out of there."

"Then please, provide a suggestion as to what we should do then? "

"Welll... you and the rest of the formation should keep track of it, until something happens." "Captain!" The first mate of the Anchorage came running up to her, out of breath.

"What is it Garcia-"

"The fucking mass is picking up pace, it's heading right for Manhattan ma'am!"

The captain blinked a few times before yelling out to the P.A. "All submarines, full speed ahead, we have something heading for New York!" The submarines began to move a little faster, trying to chug after whatever is in the waters.

"Alert all military forces in the region, I want as many people scanning those waters NOW!"

Fireteam Alpha did not expect such a situation like this.

Surrounded by crystalline monsters, blasting their guns. "This is hell on earth!" Janice yelled, blasting another monster with some 12 gauge AP. 

"No shit, we got to leave!" the other Agent yelled, dumping a full mag towards a small crowd heading towards them. A few grenades were tossed and the agents began to make a dash back towards the Police Station.

The creatures seemed to be made from the local populace of the district, from anybody close to the nuclear shelter when that event went off. When whatever caused the structure to go silent was probably the same thing that turned these people into zombies.

Infected if they were being more polite.

Which they aren't, so they get the title of Zombie. 

Getting up to the police station, after thoroughly expending most of their grenades on one street to cause a few cars to explode, they were greeted by a Stryker thoroughly covered in black and orange dust, and National Guardsmen wearing all sorts of CRBN equipment, for their own safety.

"Hey hey hey whoa whoa!" a soldier yelled, pointing his M5 at the incoming Agents. The FTL held ups his hand, "Calm down, calm down, it's us, Secret Service."The soldier points down his rifle, and the Stryker continues its scanning of the area with its RWS.

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