Chapter 68

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"Knight to Foxtrot 7"

Alexandria was walking with the marines and with Erick. The rest of Glasgow flanked behind her. The Abrams had moved up while the Schwarzkopf was remaining behind. The skies were clear of the Shard's corrupted storm, but they were not free from the choking sensation of the storm of smoke and fire that was choking the city of the Kazdellians within.

Glasgow and the Marines had begun moving more into one of the parks, which was burning alight with the fires of a crashed bird and only stoked by the engines.

The vegetation was only burning, there was plenty of dead leaves all over and that only served to intensify the fire as more readily available and easily ignitable fuel.

"Keep your head on a swivel," began a Marine as he lead a few in front of the trees, the fire was choking them, but they still kept moving on.

They exited the park into some sort of storage district, with 4 warehouses on either side of a large courtyard. This courtyard had a few trucks that were in preparation to start distributing supplies to the rest of the Military Commission's forces in the city.

Lucky for them.

The Abrams started tot ur and head to one of the warehouses. They had an opportunity to seriously weaken the enemy's defenses and they aren't going to stop and just let it slide by.

The marines also began to head into the warehouse, while Glasgow stayed by the Schwarzkopf which was slowly coming in to the little area as well. Erick stood with Alexandrina, still following. The former of the 2 brought forward his blade, and was looking around.

There was something about this area that even Alexandrina was detecting, especially as the Marines and the Abrams up ahead was breaking in and destroying the contents of the 2 warehouses that immediately greeted them. Another A-10 flyover and she was ready to take hold of Erick if the noises and sensations trigger him.

There was the sounds of the Abrams gun going off and several charges in the other warehouse that was setting everything up. Debris began to fly as the 2 buildings collapsed. The marines and Abrams backed out of the ones they just demolished and were getting ready to destroy another one.

"Say what you want about their weapons," began Hannah who walked up behind the 2 and laced a hand on their shoulders, "But they are bloody efficient when it comes to doing their job." The Schwarzkopf fully rolled into the area and was now rolling along as the 2 groups that were taking down the warehouses moved to the final row and were preparing to knock them down.

"We're getting closes to the houses of Westhalag," began the Schwarzkopf TC, just as the Abrams rolled into the left warehouse while the Marines prepared to take down the right warehouse. Glasgow, Erick, and the Tank were in the center of the 4 warehouses and the TC was reading off a tablet that she. Pulled up, "Once we get there, Theresis is waiting for us, so we should be prepped for a confrontation-"

She was cut off, as suddenly the Abrams went flying out of the warehouse and smashed into her right one, barely missing the Marines. Glasgow stiffened and Erick began to stance himself as they looked at the opening on which the Abrams was sent from like it was a plastic tank from a bucket of soldiers.

"What the fuck-?!" A Marine called out and turned around, after getting back on his feet after he was sent to the floor from a 50+ ton tank being sent his way.

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