Chapter 43

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"From one magazine to another"

Laterano was an interesting place this time of year.

The beautiful holy city became a place for all of Terra to come and see. Diplomats from around the world began to come on in, bringing forth some of their toys. Lateran Apostolic Knights stood at the ready, occasionally talking with some other sankta or enjoying a delicious treat.

The Pope watched his people with a carefree look on his features. Nothing can appear to go wrong in his mind.

Yvangelista XI. He can often be described as firm and wise, while also carrying the mindset of a person who is open.

Or liberal as some would describe.

He did love his sweets and he did love his guns.

But he also respected the Law so long as that thing is the presiding legislation of Laterano and its religion.

He looked at the people once more, and began to chuckle, he can see Mostima and Fiametta off in the distance again. His Apostolic Knights blowing up a streets - subsequently making a few diplomats uncomfortable - and  some regular Sankta either going about with their guns or enjoying an impossibly sweet treat.

Well impossible sweet for most who aren't Sankta.

While the many Terrans began to settle down, he was pointedly aware of something coming to the city from the North. He requested their presence a long time ago, but they initially had their hands tied. He understood why, handling such a large military operation was quite difficult.

But with the fall of the Reunion, these people are able to come, with some companies that are native to the countries of Earth.

While Ursus made their entrance grand and Columbia had a simple "smile and wave," these people were going to get thr point across. Their presence was felt, quite literally, as 3 large aircraft approached, escorted by 4 others. 2 of the large aircraft were carrying some sort of container, the first looked akin to a passenger aircraft and seemed to be carrying other containers.

The 4 others were of 2 design, one much larger than the other and looking more akin to a craft fit to fight, while the other 2 looked more like transports.

The Pope saw them heard towards a large area in the center of Laterano, somewhere near the front of the mighty church. He began to head on over, as the 5 transport aircraft began to land, while the 2 fighting ones broke off, and began to land on various rooftops.

Nesting on top of them.

The 7 aircraft began to shut off their engines. The Pope began to approach the lead one. He was quickly joined by a few knights, showing their weapons off.

They finally reached that big one which was decorated in many flags on the hull. The back ramps began to open, and he saw a few people in business suits began to exit, flanked by some soldiers. He had a few briefs on what they were called - Marines - and he quickly began to don a warm smile as the lead business person reached him.

"Good afternoon," he stated. Yvangelista smiled and reached his hand out. The man seem to have appreciated that, as he smiled and took his hand, shaking it.

"Welcome to Laterano," he stated, "my name is Yvangelista XI, the people of this holy city and the people of the Lateran church." The Apostolic Knights bowed their heads briefly to the representatives, causing the Pope to smile, "These are my knights, they protect me and are given the best weapons that Laterano has."

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