Chapter 11

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[ == U.S. Government Intranet == ]


[ + ] - Neutral or outside information

[ ] - Government/Military Official

[ # ] - Personnel [ ACC. Code CIV ]

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[ Freedom Star-11 is reporting several wings of PLA Aircraft over a piece of Columbian territory! Requesting that we respond with 1 battalion and 2 wings of F-45s, ASAP!  If we don't respond, that area could be in big trouble! ]
[ - [ ] Freedom Star-11 Commanding Officer - ]

[ We're consulting JAGC right now, we need to know if the action we are going to take is going to be the correct one. Sit tight, out! ]
[ - [ ] Department of Defense - ]

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"A show of the skies"

If anybody wished to know what Hell on Earth was, suppose a good place to start and the good people to ask now would be soldiers at the Two Tiles Union Base.

Two Tiles, a mobile base of Columbia's Union Army, was stationed in a section of the country's home territory that was made up of two respectably sized tiles, each around 4/5th the size of New Jersey. They were protected by the largest base in Columbia's southern end. The area, designated as Akeysitah, is an exclave, very close to Sargon. As such, the base was quite large by a result, numbering 575 square kilometers in area, and hosting a large amount of facilities for logistics, personnel, and fortifications.

The fortifications was never exactly built with Stealth Bombers and Air to Ground Missiles in mind.

Something that the unfortunate Columbian soldiers here are finding out. One Columbian Soldier took cover behind a damaged Armored Personnel Carrier, just as a missile blew apart a warehouse that had crossbows and some other supplies. "Shit-!" He looked upwards, holding his M16A4, "What the fuck are we being targeted by?!" Another explosion blew apart some barracks, and forced him to hold his head in cover, "Fuck fuck..."

The explosions simmered in his apart, "Alright... Alright... got to get to a bunker..." he got up and began to run, away from the APC. As he came along, listening to the panic of his own breath, the sounds of M16s and M4s started up. He did not look to see where the shots were coming from nor why they were being shot in the first place, all he was worried about was getting to safety. He passed by several destroyed facilities, stepping over the bodies of his fellow servicemen and women.

There was some vehicles torn apart and on fire, and here and there was some M1A2Cs, actually in okay condition, but their engines, tracks, and guns pretty fucked up beyond any state of field repair. He was looking down at the ground he was running along on, seeing shadows. He payed little attention, until the shadows got much more significant in number, he slowly began to stop, his Liberi Feathers tickling his face for a moment. "What the..." he watched the shadows coming along the ground.

He wasn't moving, and began to slowly lift up his head. The sight of the burning base coming to him, but also the sight of several shapes coming out of the sky. These shapes, they weren't no natural creature. Rather, they looked more like people, with some strange, semi-circle above their heads attached to them via string. And they were coming down, in massive drones, coming out of large aircraft that flew over. He noticed that some had already landed by the southern end of the base, and gunfire began to ensue as a result.

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