Chapter 30

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[ == U.S. Government Intranet == ]

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Eldritch Barotrauma

Bubbles formed as Skadi zipped through, passing over the submerged Marine base and the partially submerged railgun towers. Her gaze focused on the monster up ahead. She was not exactly alone either.

Far behind was her fellow Abyssal Hunters, as well as several Attack Helicopters and aircraft. They were going to take this thing down.

Skadi reached for her ear, resting her hand upon the communicator that was nestled just behind her ear. it was slightly sloppy in how it was put on, but she was trying to get out and fight as soon as possible.

"Weapons free, target is in the open,"

"Be advised, that damn thing has taken the hull of the Wisconsin," "proceed with caution, one wrong move and we turn this side of America into a wasteland."

"Hmmm," Skadi said in consideration, moving faster. She picked up the page. Specter and Gladiia were at her side, the 2 readied with their weapons.

Ulpianus was just a little bit behind. He was contemplating, his eyes betrayed any notion that he wasn't deep in thought. Skadi's eyes hyper focused on the creature ahead.

Upcoming was now a high stakes battle, with Trident-II SLBMs now on the table.

"Let's do this, Skadi," Ulpianus stated somewhere behind her, his weapon at the ready. Skadi's grip tightened as her mind temporarily went back to Michael, wounded and vulnerable.

Temporarily of course. She shut off her mind from that and Ishar-Mla tried to intrude. He will join-

Wordlessly she continued on, the rushing water and the current she was producing was silencing any more thoughts. He was really getting on her nerves, especially now.

Above water, F-35s and Apache helicopters were moving in. Unfortunately, the coast guard and the US Navy was facing great difficulty in trying to mobilize any considerable assets to assist. On account of the Seaborn in this area being extremely active.

Long range support from the US Army and the US Air Force is available. But even that is limited as the Army is joining up with nearby assets to try and contain the mess that has been unleashed on the American Southeast.

Taking out the unfortunately captured Wisconsin will be a key on trying to end the Seaborn terror here. That is what you think- "I thought I silenced you." Skadi angrily muttered. He evidently was not.

Eventually he will have to get out of her head and out of her body. But she doesn't want to know when or what the consequences of THAT would be.

Something whipped by her. She was going to look towards it in confusion and wonder what it was. But she held off on it, in favor of holding her sword forward and cutting a Seaborn monster that WAS heading her way.

However, she noticed something. Her blade didn't cut through as easily. For her, there was a slight bit of resistance, but not too much of it. That was a little concerning.

More began to head her way, and from the corner of her eye, she can see Laurentina swimming forward with her saw blade. Already putting herself in harm's way and delivering pain and destruction to the enemy.

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